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Vic Mignogna

Last posted Feb 27, 2019 at 03:47AM EST. Added Jan 31, 2019 at 04:10PM EST
16 posts from 7 users

Vic's appearance at kami-con recently got canceled why? well.. they didn't really say.
Here is a /cgl/ thread about him

Idk what happened recently, i've been going to cons for almost 10 years now and I remember since nearly the beginning hearing about how he is creepy, so idk what happened recently?
I think there is something worth an article about

here is an article

…yea, I can see that being an issue.

Last edited Jan 31, 2019 at 04:12PM EST

Here's how it was explained to me: Years ago, someone tried to get Vic Mignogna to sign a Fullmetal Alchemist yaoi doujin. He refused. In response, the disappointed con attendee shared the experience online, at which point a collection of yaoi fangirls declared a jihad on him, making him the whipping boy of the anime community. I have no idea how accurate that story is.

As for be homophobic…meh. I've had evangelical friends and gay friends (and coworkers and employers) over the years and figured out there's a world of difference between finding homosexuality immoral and actively hating homosexuals. It's fine if Mignogna has moral objections to homosexual activities as long as it doesn't come from a place of malice. One of the core principles of being civilized is accepting people's right to be wrong.

Then there's the sexual harassment allegations. All I have on that subject are anecdotes. I've met Mignongna at a few conventions (even though I only really liked one of his roles, Qrow) and he was polite to me and others in line. That doesn't mean he did nothing wrong, but I wouldn't know.

Also, here's a thing:

Last edited Jan 31, 2019 at 08:30PM EST

As you state poochyena these accusations go back to 10 years ago, and some are very damning.

The only question I have since some VA's are now coming out saying they knew about it, why did they not inform the police?

It's that question as to why I have to doubt the legitimacy of said accusations

There are multiple angles involved in this case.

A majority of people merely think that vic acts unprofessionally, and that's about it. They aren't outraged nor do they really want him fired or barred from the industry, they just know he is too approachable of a guy.

Then you have the people who are claiming sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia. These make up a small percent of the community and nobody really buys it. Since the most he's ever done is give someone his number, which doesn't really Indicate fuck all. It doesn't help that the people claiming he assaulted or raped them have shaky stories that don't hold up, testimony from others about how they're wrong, or describe events as innocuous as "He hugged me and i didn't tell him to stop but felt violated afterwards" which, sorry, doesn't constitute sexual assault. A lot of VA's are trying to butter up this crowd because they're the most vocal, but the majority of people do not like them.

And then you got the equally small and equally vocal minority who think Vic did nothing wrong, and they have a point. He didn't do anything illegal, and lets be clear, sexual assault and harrassment is illegal. So they attack those condemning Vic's behavior, whether their critique's were that he's unprofessional in his behavior, or that he's a pedophilia huffing rapist. They go hard against both sides equally and cause the controversy to continue. And every time a company like Rooster Teeth does an oopsie or Funimation does an oopsie, or Monica Rial does an oopsie doopsie(claiming she wasn't assaulted and vic had it coming, to that she was assaulted after people chimmed in that there's no proof). But every case of an oopsie simply feeds their narrative of fighting against an unjust and unfounded attempt to ruin a mans life.

It's the worst of the internet mobs rolled into one story. The instant mob who wants consequences before evidence. The rebels who want to burn down as many things as possible if their guy doesn't win. The opportunists using this event to try and grow a cult of personality by appealing to a side in this fight. And the neutrals who couldn't care less if vic is guilty or innocent, and don't really care if both sides tear each other apart, because whens my next light Novel? Whens my next isekai?

>why did they not inform the police?

Inform them about what? A single isolated creepy event isn't enough to go to the police for most people.

If it was people just saying he was a creeper I'd agree with you, but the accusations range from sexual harrasment of minors to straight up rape.

crimes that by all right should be brought to the police's attention so they can investigate as to whether or not there is any merit to the claims

>I haven't seen these claims
At least one claim made by by a cosplayer whose name escapes me at the moment

>And if they immediately aren't, then what?
A police report would at the very least allow me to invoke Hanlon's Razor

More and More it feels like this is just a lot of very bitter and petty people, deciding that because they can't kick Vic out for being a prat, That they're just gonna make shit up and run with it till the cows come home. The fact a lot of VA's seem more amped to do this, while a lot of people whose photos are used as evidence, are coming out saying those photos have either been altered, or that they are being taken out of context and used by others maliciously, really makes this feel like a hatchet job by the industry.

Black Graphic T wrote:

More and More it feels like this is just a lot of very bitter and petty people, deciding that because they can't kick Vic out for being a prat, That they're just gonna make shit up and run with it till the cows come home. The fact a lot of VA's seem more amped to do this, while a lot of people whose photos are used as evidence, are coming out saying those photos have either been altered, or that they are being taken out of context and used by others maliciously, really makes this feel like a hatchet job by the industry.

remember, this is over the course of 15 years. Its not something that happened recently. The only thing that has happened recently is anime conventions canceling his appearances and him getting fired from rooster teeth.

poochyena wrote:

remember, this is over the course of 15 years. Its not something that happened recently. The only thing that has happened recently is anime conventions canceling his appearances and him getting fired from rooster teeth.

That is a bold faced lie. The accusations began circulating with the Twitter Post asking why Vic was allowed to continue working in the anime industry. Around this time, people began face-book and discord chats gathering information of incidents of Vic hugging fans or being unusually chummy with them.

Such photos were circulated and people began circulating stories. The first solid Accusation was actually on January 16 of this year. Previous accusations from a fangirl who didn;t get her gay porn signed by the actor, and thus claimed he was homophobic, were brought into the mix and give the false impression of this being a 15 year long controversy. When in reality there is a huge gap between previous accusations, and the current allegations now.

What doesn;t help is a lot of the people making current accusations are not quite acting in good faith. Jessie Pridemore, who is the suspected J in the case, has old correspondences that make it clear she was the one who wanted Vic predatory. She was borderline obsessed and became furious when advances she made here shot down by Vic explaining he was already in a relationship.

This entire situation is a lot of Mob Mentality getting out of hand. Unfortunately, we live in a post-fact, post-evidence world, and so word of mouth and twitter post testimony are all taken as if they were scientific and irrefutable law by the people in charge. Enough people scream about something and the Money listens, and once the Money listens, it's hard for anyone to dissuade it otherwise.

>The accusations began circulating with the Twitter Post

Look, I have been going to anime conventions for 9 years now, many of which Vic attended as a guest. I can tell you first hand that when I first heard his name ~8 years ago (at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2010) that the first thing I learned about him is that he is a creep and for years after that I would constantly hear the exact same thing every time his name is brought up.
These accusations are not new

Just look at the /cgl/ thread I linked in OP if you think i'm lying
"Nothing new happening. "
"Just him being his usual creepo self"
"I've heard stories of him around the internet and conventions I've gone to"
"Shit's been known for years. Anyone who's been going to cons for a while has known he's an asshole/diva at best, and a pedo at worst. "

Stop pretending like your know what is going on when you obviously don't. This is honestly one of the worst and most uninformed posts you have ever made. Did you even know who Vic Mignogna was before I made the kym entry?

Last edited Feb 09, 2019 at 07:32PM EST

this whole thing always gets me mixed, how he acts doesn't fit in the work place so his job should've been taken from him anyway.. but the problem i have is him being fired for a narrative.. lets look back 2015.
allegations of him not signing yaoi fan art because hes christian, and then harassment for not personally being pro gay-marriage because lgbtq: "f' your religion"
again these are back from 2015: pettition on change 6000 backers offended vic is playing a character on free.
this clearly would only grow over time. acting doesn't exist any more you have to be what you play.
and ofcourse funi tried casting him on Morose Mononokean and REEEEE! occurred.

I've pretty much stayed out of this, but I just feel I need to post something about this whole situation to get it off my mind. First time I ever heard of Vic was when he was cast to play Broly in the DBZ films. At the time I believe he was mainly doing voice work for ADV Films at the time. I seemed to notice that it was about that time as well, a lot of the voice actors who were also mainly acting for ADV started to work for Funimation as well I really only recalled Vic for voicing a supporting role in Full Metal Panic! For kicks I did some research and noticed In a vast majority of the anime I had seen or owned he was never voicing a main character, and just voicing supporting ones. I never was one following what was going on at conventions or even checked to see what was going on with voice actors on social media, just paying attention when series casts were announced. All of a sudden out of nowhere this whole harassment issue comes out and I'm kind of befuddled on how things were unfolding. I do have my preferences for voice actors, but never have gotten to one of those levels of if anyone hates on my favorite then I will stand up fanatically to defend them. Thus the twitter problem, and details were coming out groups in defense of the involved parties go berserk and do things without rational thinking. Thus in a situation like this I wouldn't be one to declare a boycott of every series said voice actor appeared in, or any series that accusers appear in. It's the toxicity like this that just pours more gasoline on an already raging fire. Then you get people coming out of the woodwork suddenly declaring themselves experts on the situation that is going on and rant about who is right and who is wrong. Yes you can support who you like, but in the past before the advent of Twitter and Facebook these situations would occur, be handled in private or public venues such as a court, and yes, if you did enough research you could get access to reports and learn the story. But now with Twitter and the like it seems that there is an expectation of people report on everything that is happening in your life at that moment. Then you get to a state where people who shouldn't be involved in your affairs sounding off fighting because they are right and you are wrong and vice versa. Social Media for what it is has brought viral photos, videos, and events to the forefront, where someone could actually see what they would never believe in their entire life. It also has brought out the worst in us in situations such as this. It all can come back to bite you in the ass later in life. It's hard to believe that this situation has gone the way it has, when in the past there were some voice actors who got in trouble: Two cases from about five years ago involving Voice Actors, and it was game over for them:

Though the charges were dropped in on case, and a guilty plea was reached in another. Their careers as voice actors ended. To my knowledge these two incidents never go the exposure as the current Vic Mignogna one, the damage has been done.

Well, this is embarrassing. The person who kicked off the entire powder keg with Vic in the first place, has been caught lying to people on Twitter using an out-of-context video.

For those of you who want a TL:DR Marzgurl, yes that Marzgurl from Channel Awesome, linked a video in which she set up things like Vic telling parents to leave the room, and that it was a non-consensual flirting.

Turns out no. Original Uploader came out to say that 1) Marzgurl did not get permission to link this video. 2) Video was out of context, as the OP asked Vic to line-read some lines from Ouran Host Club. And 3) That he asked if her father was there to explain that this is simply a Line Read, in a joking fashion in order to defuse any possible tension.

After a previous incident where a photo of a cosplayer getting hugged by Vic was used without their permission, and that the person explained they asked Vic to hug them like that, it does damage to the the legitimacy of the cause when you have things being apparently taken out of context to justify an industry-blacklisting.

But hey, some people found him creepy, so I guess he deserves all the bad shit happening to him, and a bunch of faked or doctored evidence to be used.


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