I'm writing this thread because I can foresee it coming in the near future.
For those of you who watched the last Nostalgia Critic's episode (Hello Adam) about that horrendous but enjoyable movie "Double Team", Doug explicitely says, I quote:
I'm not really fond of starting an internet meme but it HAS to be an internet meme. Okay, first we had Jumping The Shark, then Nuking The Fridge, now we have "Frying the Coke"
because of the end scene where the characters are hiding behind a coke machine to save them from a huge explosion.
If people are jumping on it, Doug basically killed a potential meme at birth by saying this, contrary to Bat Credit Card or even "I was frozen today" which was kind of not really explicit.
On the other hand, there is maybe something to say about the "Nuking The Fridge" idiom, thanks to Indiana Jones 4.
Food for thoughts.