Banned for being FRESH MEAT!
Forums / Fun! / Memeory Lane
63,527 total conversations in 189 threads
[Forum Games] Ban the user above you!
Last posted
Sep 24, 2014 at 06:18PM EDT.
Jan 09, 2013 at 05:02PM EST
3753 posts
307 users
Banned for using an axe when a simple steak knife would suffice.
Banned for being a badass policeman
(my bans will be very obvious)
Banned for changing.
(I'm glad the word nigga isn't in every sentence you make anymore.)
No, but it's in your last sentence. So, banned.
Mrsoulcake The music lover
Banned for not starting with banned.
🅱ank 🅱ill
Banned for using the word "banned" twice
You are banned 5ever
You are now unbanned.
Banned for not being the actual OP
Banned for banning OP for not being the OP of this particular thread, even though his name is supposed to represt and encompass the generality of OP and their behavior, hence, being a humungous faggot.
Banned because didn't read.
Banned because of your weird avatar
Banned for being Batinosaur
Banned for being Batinosaur
Banned for double-posting
Banned for being blue
General Grievous
Banned for not giving me cupholders.
Banned for not having cupholders in the first place.
Banned for being a Gold Member, but not actually being Gold Member.
Who are you?! gtfo!
Banned for not saying the magic word.
Banned for correcting me, gtfo, pls! (amidoinitrite?)
Banned for abbreviate words (Sorry for the doble-posting, I was writting in my phone and doesnt work at all :P)
Banned for making a Grammar Nazi cry.
Banned for not having your right eye visible, and not looking me in the eye when you talk to me.
Banned for being not a police officer
Banned due to escaping the afterlife.
Banned for being so god damned beautiful.
Banned for weird music on your dashboard.
General Grievous
Banned for amnesia.
Baned for that blue hair
Banned for emasculating the General.
Banned due to lack of umbrella.
Banned due to lack of hair.
Banned due to hair excess
Banned for unscheduled prostate exams…
Banned for alien anal-probing
Banned for preventing Medic from healing me.
Banned for ruin the UberCharge assault
Banned for not being there.
Banned due to being so conversationalistalist.
Banned for banning a Conversationalist for being so Conversationalist.
General Grievous
Banned for class 1 confusion.
Banned for being confused.
Banned for being Austin Power's enemy.
Banned for explicit unexplicit-ness
Banned for being fresh, and banning the next person who is unable to ban the person above them
Captain Douglas J Falcon
Ann Hiro wrote:
Banned for being fresh, and banning the next person who is unable to ban the person above them
Banned for trying to trick me.