I fear I may have become overly obsessed with a fictional character. I have never actually watched the anime the character is from, which might have contributed to problem, so when I found out near the end of the anime the character hints that there is a "thing" between my waifu and another character I have no real interest in, something kinda snapped in me. Up till this point I have had no problems looking at pictures of them together, my lack of knowledge of the anime meant that I assumed it was just harmless internet shipping. From my knowledge of the character she ends up alone at the end.
I snapped when I found out and ended up going through the like 1000 pictures I have of her (I've been collecting them for at least 6 years so thats like less than half a picture a day) and sorting them between pictures of her alone and pictures of her with anyone else. Even OCs that had nothing to do with the anime. Took me like an 1 hour and at the end I kinda felt sick. I can still look at her alone in pictures, but the second I see her with that character it feels like my heart skips a beat and I get upset and angry. I tend to be pretty calm about these things. I've shipped plenty of characters from other shows that don't go together and didn't care one bit when a character doesn't end up with the character I shipped them with (I try to keep them self contained but thats beside the point). So I was genuinely freaked out when I took a break, stepped back, and really looked at how I was feeling and reacting. I'm not sure If I am just obsessed with a character and am experiencing just jealousy, or something else. The fact that I've considered her my waifu for 6 years probably doesn't help the situation.
I'm probably going to get plenty of troll posts but I'm genuinely concerned that I have a problem. I'm not sure if this is just a episode from the shock, or something that will last longer, the events in question only happened 2 days ago. Before anyone says "dude get a real girlfriend" I have a boyfriend and when I tried to talk with him he didn't want to talk about it. Other friends of mine have said its fine, but they are probably not the most reliable source since they would try to be nice or deal with it themselves. So I figured I would ask some random people on the internets how they felt about it, if I am crazy or not. Maybe if I am lucky someone else will have experienced this and has a easy solution. I know she isn't real, and I don't talk, see, or hear her. I am not hallucinating or delusional. I have a perfectly good grasp on reality and those around me. which is another reason I am feeling genuinely disturbed by my actions.
Also sorry if this is in the wrong board, I genuinely don't know where else to post this.