For those who have remained unaware, the show 'Infinity Train' created by Owen Dennis – which's plot revolves around different anthologies per Book/season, as passengers enter and adventure through a mysterious train in order to resolve and come to terms with past issues or experiences – was cancelled prematurely after its fourth season, although the creator has testified that he wanted the series to continue for at least 8 different self-contained seasons and recently hosted an AMA which elaborated in more detail about his future plans for the series.
Over the course of time, the Infinity Train series has gained traction and a growing user base, becoming one of the most watched shows in HBO's catalog. It is renowned for its more uncompromising and efficient handle of complex themes such as forming self-identity, dealing with divorce, and handling rifts within friendships, coupled with its mystery aspects, mainly surrounding the train itself. Despite its growth, larger viewership, and high acclaim however, it was announced that on March 11th 2021 that the series would be reaching an end shortly after its fourth season, although the creator's vision for the show was to allow it to extend for longer, as there was more he intended to tell through the world of Infinity Train – one primary story being Amelia Hughes's. Dennis expressed how he also wanted to cover the themes of grief, guilt, revenge, acceptance and even a story that may have tackled Alzheimer's. In the official Infinity Train AMA he hosted, he elaborated on this stating Book 5 was designed to be Amelia's story, and that there was a script planned out for the fifth season, which never made it into finality and was called off to there being no "child entry point".
Fans of the Infinity Train series have set up a hashtag on Twitter "#RenewInfinityTrain" – of which, has been acknowledged and supported by Owen Dennis himself – in order to draw more attention to Infinity Train, and allow for more people to express their reasons for why they want the Infinity Train series to continue. The creator of Amphibia, Matt Braly, has also submitted his own contribution for this cause.
If there are any Infinity Train fans who wish to contribute to this, feel free to go on Twitter and make a post that includes the #RenewInfinityTrain and/or #FinishInfinityTrain hashtags respectively. Remember: Please be civil, try to provide reasons as to why you want the show to complete itself, and do not resort to attacking HBOMax, CartoonNetwork, or any individuals involved with Infinity Train.