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Attaching an image or youtube video to a comment

Last posted Nov 25, 2019 at 07:04PM EST. Added Nov 25, 2019 at 06:23PM EST
4 posts from 3 users

How is this done? I've tried to find some help on how to use the site after I've seen everybody on meme entries posting reaction images and videos, but there's absolutely nothing that explains how it is used, and nothing in the comment box allowing this.

For youtube video:
1. Click "Share" on the youtube video
2. Then on the popup click "embed"
3. Copy the full text in the box
4. Paste it to your comment or forum post

For image:
If the image is on kym:
1. Copy the text under "Textile embed"
2. Paste it into your comment or forum post

If the image is from somewhere else:
1. Copy the URL of the image
2. In the comment you wish to type put:

img src="yourlinkhere" /

3. Add a less than sign "<" to the left of "img"
4. Add a greater than sign ">" to the right of the forward slash "/"
5. Replace "yourlinkhere" with the URL you copied in step 1
Note: Your image's resolution may not fit well to the comment when done this way, look up some guides for "inline CSS" to modify it to fit the comment.

Hope this helps.

Last edited Nov 25, 2019 at 06:44PM EST

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