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Spoiler buttons for comments?

Last posted Mar 16, 2014 at 04:51PM EDT. Added Mar 10, 2014 at 07:27PM EDT
9 posts from 4 users

I feel like the recent influx of KLK spoilers being posted in comments sections, not to mention several spoiler-ish comments on other things (i.e. MLP, SNK, etc) has been kept rather tamed by the NSFW button. However, I feel it necessary to implement a spoiler warning button. Clicking on an NSFW button can either mean actual NSFW material, or spoilers.

I, browsing KYM at school, have found I don't like taking risks of reading NSFW comments for the risk of there being butts and stuff on them, when they may just have funny spoiler quips. This really should be added for the ease of fellow KLK users and other spoiler afflicted shows to read comments that are NSFW and comments that are spoilers, not sepperated by eachother.

tl;dr: Spoiler buttons should be made.


Just use that. That's what it's for. If people aren't using it, that's the user's problem, not the site.

How to spoiler comments:

<div class="spoiler"> SPOILERIFIC TEXT </div>

(No spaces of course.)

Special Titles:

<div class="spoiler" title="Whatevah"> MOAR SPOILERIFIC TEXT </div>

Turns into…

Last edited Mar 10, 2014 at 07:38PM EDT

M I D O R I マグナム洞 wrote:

didn't think we could use spoiler html

Even still, I think a spoiler button would be a good edition, even if you can just use the code. A lot more people are using the NSFW button for spoilers nowadays.

Not sure. I honestly it would just clutter up the comments. The NSFW button is already pretty annoying, but if we were to have two buttons up there, it would be kind of obnoxious, especially if we already have this function. Let's just get a few more opinions on this before deciding.

RandomMan wrote:

Spoiler button code doesn't work in the comments, just pointing that out.


Well, looks like my entire argument has been thrown out the window. I still think that a third button would be extremely obnoxious. Maybe make the button "Spoiler/NSFW" and then when you click on it, it lets you choose as to how you want it labelled. It'll take up a little extra space, but not as much as an entire button would.


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