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Last posted Mar 24, 2010 at 01:45PM EDT. Added Mar 22, 2010 at 09:26PM EDT
5 posts from 4 users

"If a meme submission fails to provide any proof of the memeā€™s spread or popularity, appears to be an attempt at ā€œmeme forcingā€, or otherwise doesnā€™t fit our criteria for classifying a phenomenon as a meme entry, it is moved to the Deadpool section. Deadpooled meme entries serve as reminders that the subject has been previously submitted, but has been judged as being irrelevant to the database."

- Editors of the KYM FAQ

Last edited Mar 22, 2010 at 10:10PM EDT

Per-say the Point of the Deadpool is to prevent Useless, Spammed, or Poorly Written Meme Entrys from becoming a Resource People use on this site. Say if a Meme Entry was just "DESU DESU DESU DESU" repeated over and over again. What would YOU think of a Site that has these things Just sitting around in the Research Section?


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