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Conformation and Status

Last posted Jul 16, 2010 at 02:33AM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2010 at 11:05PM EDT
4 posts from 3 users

I want an explanation of /b/. I've been to the page, but what does it MEAN? Is it a person, a group of people? Or is it a reference to everyone reading? Also what are all of the… Statuses?(Is that the right word? An example would be "Gold Membership" or "Entry Moderator". Is there a list?


4Chan is a popular imageboard on the internet. It is sort of like Knowyourmeme, in the sense that it has many forums. However, 4Chan has set, unmoving "forums" called boards. /b/ is the "random board," one of many "boards" on 4Chan (like /v/ or /d/). On each board, people 1) post images with comments attached to them to start a new forum within the board or 2) comment on a forum. As the name of the "random board" implies, it is a board that has no rules (besides the raiding, spamming, and child pornography rules) and no sense of order- as a result, it the most popular board on 4Chan by far and produces some of the internet's greatest jokes. Keep in mind that the other boards are popular as well, however.

Thus, /b/ describes the forum itself, as well as the people and the culture within it (People in /b/ are called /b/tards by the way).

Also, some people love /b/ and some people hate /b/; that's just the way its always been.

Now, for the "statuses" (credit to user: HorseEater):
0-1 contributions: Brand New
2-5ish contributions: Protomember
5ish- 10ish/15ish: Member
11/16-50 contributions: Gold Membership
51-100 contributions: Jr. Researcher
100+ contributions: Researcher

And by contributions, we mean: comments, forum posts, edits, added images, and entries.

Anyway, those statuses are completely contribution based and do not imply that a "Researcher" has any more power over a "Protomember," for example.

Entry/Forum/Image moderators, Scientists, Staff, Community Managers, Admins, Tikibar Mgmt, and Watcher are other "titles" that only the staff can give you.

Entry Mod: Ability to edit/ add editors to entries (I don't believe these guys have the ability to deadpool or confirm entries, though)
Image Mod / Watcher: Ability to delete inappropriate images. Also the Spam Hunter of Knowyourmeme.
Community Manager: The most powerful people here. They help, as the title implies, keep the community under control. They also have the ability to edit/add editors to entries. I also believe they can confirm/deadpool entries (but I'm not so sure about Captain Blubber).
Tikibar Mgmt: Captain Blubber. He's awesome. 'Nuff Said.
Staff Intern: They work for Knowyourmeme in the summer. Ability to edit/add editors to entries. I think they might also have the ability to confirm/deadpool as well, but i'm not sure.
Scientists: The other most powerful people here. They research, confirm/deadpool entries, and edit/add editors to entries.
Early Adopter: The first 100 users to join the site.

Last edited Jul 16, 2010 at 12:39AM EDT

Actually, Ogreenworld, you got a couple of things wrong in there.

First of all, like I said before, A user gains Gold Membership before Member status.

Secondly, the descriptions for the different titles you gave are incomplete and sort of wrong. Lemme describe them by how I view they rank, from most important to not as important but still rather important.

Scientist Emeritus Unique title: Jamie Dubs. The retired Internet Scientist who co-created and thought of the website and starred in the webisodes. Did a lot of behind the scenes coding and research.
Internet Scientist Unique title: Ellie Rountree and Yatta. Two of the original three stars in the webisodes. Do a lot of behind the scenes work.
Staff Member The other behind the scenes guys who work for Know Your Meme. They do a lot of coding for the site as well as a lot of helping out in making the websiodes.
Community Manager Staff Members who specifically work on keeping order on the website and doing meme research.
Staff Intern Know Your Meme interns. Don't necessarily work for Know Your Meme per sé but help out a lot on the website.
Community Moderator & Tikibar Mgmt Unique title: Captain Blubber. First regular user to be promoted to an Admin (old title) but demoted to Moderator status so that it would be fair for the newer Moderators. Has all the powers the Entry & Forum Mods have. One of the most awesome users.
Entry/Forum/Image Moderator Regular users promoted by the Staff Members so as to help out around the website. Has all the powers a Community Manager has minus being able to ban and deleting certain things. Entry Mods have the power to Confirm/Deadpool/Feature/edit/add editors to all articles. Forum Mods have the power to (Un)Lock/Rename/Move/Feature threads. Image Mods have the power to delete images if they seem inappropriate for the site.
Watcher Unique title: Watcher. Basically, a self-appointed spambot/spammer/troll hunter turned into an official one by the Staff Members. Posts ones he finds onto this thread.
Early Adopter First 100 users of KYM.

Otherwise, you described 4chan's random board really well. Kudos to you.

Last edited Jul 16, 2010 at 02:04PM EDT

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