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nima is dead

Last posted Sep 08, 2015 at 06:54PM EDT. Added Sep 06, 2015 at 08:58AM EDT
53 posts from 26 users

James Blunt wrote:

KYM seems to have a natural tendency to bully women and drive them away from the site

Mare deactivate when?

Okay so apparently this is no irony. Nima has legitimately gotten sick of the site after being annoyed by a series of specific idiots that didn't know how to talk to women. She wont be returning

Congrats KYM, you did it again. This is why the site is disproportionately male

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Okay so apparently this is no irony. Nima has legitimately gotten sick of the site after being annoyed by a series of specific idiots that didn't know how to talk to women. She wont be returning

Congrats KYM, you did it again. This is why the site is disproportionately male

I guess some people were extremely jelly when TripleZ had a internet "relationship" with a girl

I knew she wasn't going to last long when I saw that creep called "IloveNima"

Wolf girls around the world will mourn your lost
awoos respectfully

ShiJo wrote:

I knew she wasn't going to last long when I saw that creep called "IloveNima"

Wolf girls around the world will mourn your lost
awoos respectfully

niima told him to name himself that, and she is ok with him, so no he is not part of the problem.

dont worry we only ironically harass users on this website, and irony makes EVERYTHING fine right XD
i mean, we only ironically act like creeps to ironically anger someone XD i mean who would actually do that? unironically HARASS someone??? XD

Last edited Sep 06, 2015 at 10:58AM EDT

CUPS wrote:

I said some pretty bad things to you in IRC and I never got the chance to say Sorry

I'm sorry Niima and I hope you can forgive me

im disappointed that i never got the chance to tell her how bad her taste in nude animated women was

The IRC repeatedly told her to ignore the idiots who were being idiots. She chose not to and decided to quit the site for it.

You don't tell someone not to keep a loaded gun and then feel bad when they blow their own brains out.

As far as I can tell, I shouldn't care anymore than I already did. Which is to say, enough to not want to deal with the drama.

Well one of the trio said (he told me to do it instead of him):

“I can pretty much sum up my interactions with niima as this.

niima – [lewdposts]
Warrior_man: Niima just stop lewdposting
niima: Warrior_man no
Warrior_man: wow you’re shameless

This is not a screenshot incident, just what usually happens when I interact with niima"

-warrior man

(P.S: good to see Nima back again (That's me speaking))

Last edited Sep 06, 2015 at 03:46PM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

KYM seems to have a natural tendency to bully women and drive them away from the site

Evidence any girl that doesn't deactivate isn't a real girl. I mean do girls even like memes tbh


Another week's quota of meme drama met carry on being bored you fucks it's all over

Last edited Sep 06, 2015 at 04:16PM EDT

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