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Human Extinction

Last posted Dec 11, 2015 at 11:03PM EST. Added Dec 11, 2015 at 12:21AM EST
16 posts from 13 users

I think its for the betterment of the planet that humans go extinct. I think so and thats why I think we should cause humanity's extinction as religion isn't doing the job fast enough. Nietzsche said that man must become eviler and maybe this is what he meant: we must cause ourselves to go extinct.

Look at the death camps of Nazi Germany, they were run by a reletively small number of soldiers yet managed to kill 11 million humans over just a few years. We could ship the population of the world to giant death camps run by people who will comit suicide or self-sterilization after the job is done. Or they could make a virus that kills only humans and no other species, and the problem will be fixed.

We can do this in humane ways too, scientists could create a virus that sterilizes all humans and the species could go extinct that way.

With humans gone all the worlds problems will solve themselves as humans are the only ones who create problems as they do not exist otherwise because animals cannot perceive hardship.

Need get a band-aid from getting a cut from the edge of this post.

We can do this in humane ways too, scientists could create a virus that sterilizes all humans and the species could go extinct that way.

Extinction is not humane if it's done so by man. Ask the dodo.

With humans gone all the worlds problems will solve themselves as humans are the only ones who create problems as they do not exist otherwise because animals cannot perceive hardship.

Except, even if humans suddenly disappear in a day, they're many sites that require our attention. Mainly, the nuclear kind. Domesticated animals would be easily slaughtered by wild life. Seriously, do you think a yorkshire can survive the winter, raise a family, and get food for itself and family at its size? Invasive species we've introduced to new areas well go uncheck and destroy the food chain of its surrounding areas. Endangered species, like pandas, will also go extinct. Seriously, pandas hardly fucking mate, we usually have to help the fuckers out.

Unless you really want to fuck us over, it would just be better to travel back in time and kill off one of our evolutionary ancestors. But, by doing so, the earth you know of today would be very different since you mainly fucked up. Kill the wrong species and you screw over the Paleogene period. But, if you believe in multi-verse theory, then you only fucked up one time line…

Also, the camps and viruses will never work. The only way that can ever happen is if you rip away freewill from humans. By doing so, we're no longer humans anyways. So at that point, it makes think if it's even worth it.

Also, this sounds like a good starting point for WWIII. Let's hope we don't start a nuclear winter. Then, nothing wins.

Pandas in China, over the last couple years, have learned how to fake early pregnancy symptoms because they get better food and living conditions if the researchers think they're pregnant. It's for the betterment of everyone if we just let pandas go with whatever dignity they have left.

lisalombs wrote:

Pandas in China, over the last couple years, have learned how to fake early pregnancy symptoms because they get better food and living conditions if the researchers think they're pregnant. It's for the betterment of everyone if we just let pandas go with whatever dignity they have left.

They are biologically and structurally built to eat meat like every other bear. They choose to eat only bamboo! They are a fucking abomination. They deserve to die.

Old Man GigaChad wrote:

I think its for the betterment of the planet that humans go extinct. I think so and thats why I think we should cause humanity's extinction as religion isn't doing the job fast enough. Nietzsche said that man must become eviler and maybe this is what he meant: we must cause ourselves to go extinct.

Look at the death camps of Nazi Germany, they were run by a reletively small number of soldiers yet managed to kill 11 million humans over just a few years. We could ship the population of the world to giant death camps run by people who will comit suicide or self-sterilization after the job is done. Or they could make a virus that kills only humans and no other species, and the problem will be fixed.

We can do this in humane ways too, scientists could create a virus that sterilizes all humans and the species could go extinct that way.

With humans gone all the worlds problems will solve themselves as humans are the only ones who create problems as they do not exist otherwise because animals cannot perceive hardship.

This is some edgy bluepill.

This thread is no longer about human extinction, but how fucked up Pandas are.

Look at them, they only exist to amuse and worry humans. Little shits.

Lich wrote:

This thread is no longer about human extinction, but how fucked up Pandas are.

Look at them, they only exist to amuse and worry humans. Little shits.

If it's cute, we must save it? "What about all those species of bugs that are going extinct everyday?" Is it cute? "…No…" Then it can rot in hell.

Lich wrote:

This thread is no longer about human extinction, but how fucked up Pandas are.

Look at them, they only exist to amuse and worry humans. Little shits.

Those damn little shits. Look at em, I bet they are plotting something.

i feel a sudden urge to try to find a way to cybernetically enhance crows and dolphins to have opposable thumbs so they can take over mankind


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