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2017 predictions thread for know your meme

Last posted Feb 01, 2017 at 03:20PM EST. Added Jan 22, 2017 at 02:09AM EST
25 posts from 20 users

In this thread: we will speculate boldly, wildly, and irresponsibly about the direction that our favourite memesite will take in 2017 in the year of our Lord.

My contributions:

  • Donald Trump's every word, action, and bowel movement will continue to be carefully recorded and dissected by our admins and expert userbase (RIP Lisa Lombardo, peace be upon her)
  • Another few beloved celebrities will die early on and the [current year sucks] memes will be reborn anew
  • Twenty-seven new attempts to permanently migrate to Discord from Skype and the IRC
  • The anti-JoJo revolt begins in proper
  • Some bizarre Riff-Raff injoke created by a charismatic new user will mutate into an unironic forum cult that will get more and more out of control until finally the admins dispatch a team of moderators to raid and lock the thread only for them to discover that all of the inhabitants have committed mass ritual deactivation
  • Brone cabal reunion tour. wink wink
Last edited Jan 22, 2017 at 03:30AM EST

Shit Trump memes
Shit Facebook memes
Shit Twitter Memes
RWBY, Steven Universe, and Jojo Spoilers
Memes that last 1 week
Memes that last 11 minutes
"Why is this trending"
Riff-Raff will never ever stop being aids.

  • moar "optimized ads"
  • Professor Rivers starts yet ANOTHER poll, and another, and another, etc
  • Adam frontpages random stuff
  • nintendo switch sparks debate because trailer [x]
  • roleplay thread that'll only last a week before everyone forgets about it
  • popular image gallery [y] gets locked because mods being mods
  • notorious user will either:

A. make its debute

B. get banned

C. reappear under an alt. and go full spaghetti mode only to get banned again

D. all of the above

Last edited Jan 22, 2017 at 03:18AM EST

- "Here's how Bernie can still win:"
- Mods run out of unrelated things to blame for ad issues, resort to banning users for hacking into the site
- At least 5 decent users deactivate
- Political shitposters fade into irrelevance, but continue to try and relate every single entry to Trump and how he's Literally Satan™
- Pokemon gallery is locked
- Sun/Moon gallery subsequently locked after everyone who originally posted in the Pokemon gallery migrates after it locks
- Epyc makes another alt
- Lisa comes back from the dead, but as an alt with a different IP, and nobody notices
- We finally learn what the meme from the future that we couldn't understand was
- Siivagunner deletes his account (but not really)
- Meme magic proves its reality again
- Literally no changes or upgrades to site features and infrastructure, it will remain exactly the same until the end of time
- More image restrictions
- Riff-Raff continues to be used to vent about other users while keeping the impression that it's just a joke
- Riff-Raff drama leaks onto the rest of the boards
- Riff-Raff is removed again, then re-added
- Several RP threads will be made while the community simultaneously makes fun of RPers
- Popular opinions are posted in the Unpopular Opinions thread, causing someone to literally explode and type out a 4-paragraph-long rant about how you can't just post popular opinions in the Unpopular Opinions thread
- A KYM project goes unfinished
- Calculator Fetishist becomes an admin

•At least three mods leave permanently
•A mod will deactivate because of hurt feelings then reactivate within a week
•Donald Trump reaches 100 sub-entries
•I will continue to be salty about shijo suspending me but I will [Press A] to Let Go

-There will be at least 3 "ironic" Am-I-Gay-For-Liking-Traps Threads Posted in RR
-JonTron reaction images will be posted at least 1,000,000,000 times.

"A. make its debute

B. get banned

C. reappear under an alt. and go full spaghetti mode only to get banned again

D. all of the above"

-E. Go to ED, make PA army request, get doxxed.

-Particle Mare is unbanned from IRC.
-Gabenus gets banned.
-Snickerway changes his name again and continues to vent about the right.
-Lycanroc regains mod powers.
-ShiJo deactivates to truly be with Doeoeod.
-Asdfghjkl produces another classic.
-More fetish and/or clothing entries are made.
-Sir Soundwave returns.
-Tupolev returns.
-RandomMan gets betrayed by the mod team.
-Triple Zed greenlights Channel-tan.

-We get a few political gaffes that KYM will pounce on like starving cheetahs on crippled antelope

-Video section still will only get recognition if it's preemptively frontpaged by an admin

-Many new users, but Magus voice one among us will surely perish

-An anime will have a sick dance move and we will all enjoy it

-We will continue to shit on Sword Art Online

-One Piece will be finished

-However, Hajime no Ippo will not be finished

-My Hero Academia will be crowned "Best Next Generation Shounin"

-KYM-Tan actually gets Tan

  • Btan Cines gets banned
  • vision gets banned
  • Whoever the new shitposter will be gets banned
  • Several alts of previous shitposters get banned
  • Cheezburger ultimately stops giving a shit about KYM and shuts it down
  • A new meme-tastic website is created by somebody from KYM
  • Everybody was happy the end

@Mr. Blazer Shitposter could you fucking stop bringing that up please and thank you

Last edited Jan 22, 2017 at 07:23PM EST

Cold Hard Crash wrote:

-Particle Mare is unbanned from IRC.
-Gabenus gets banned.
-Snickerway changes his name again and continues to vent about the right.
-Lycanroc regains mod powers.
-ShiJo deactivates to truly be with Doeoeod.
-Asdfghjkl produces another classic.
-More fetish and/or clothing entries are made.
-Sir Soundwave returns.
-Tupolev returns.
-RandomMan gets betrayed by the mod team.
-Triple Zed greenlights Channel-tan.

Update: Lycanroc is no more.
-Don gets sick of making political entries and becomes a weeb.
-Another video game gets overhyped and then ripped to shreds.
-Discord replaces IRC.
-Eglamore becomes a Protip Advisor.

Cold Hard Crash wrote:

Update: Lycanroc is no more.
-Don gets sick of making political entries and becomes a weeb.
-Another video game gets overhyped and then ripped to shreds.
-Discord replaces IRC.
-Eglamore becomes a Protip Advisor.

What happened to Lycanroc? As far as I know they didn't do anything wrong.

Genesect wrote:

What happened to Lycanroc? As far as I know they didn't do anything wrong.

Read here.

We don't ban for not doing anything wrong. And now he checks of several prediction boxes in this thread, so that's something.

Last edited Feb 01, 2017 at 12:51PM EST

RandomMan wrote:

Read here.

We don't ban for not doing anything wrong. And now he checks of several prediction boxes in this thread, so that's something.

Okay. So he was Arcanine, then?
Okay, that explains a little bit. Honestly, should I even care about this whole thing going on, or would it be best for me to just be blissfully ignorant? I feel that, in order to understand the situation, I needed to be paying attention to it while it happened.

Last edited Feb 01, 2017 at 02:12PM EST

Genesect wrote:

Okay. So he was Arcanine, then?
Okay, that explains a little bit. Honestly, should I even care about this whole thing going on, or would it be best for me to just be blissfully ignorant? I feel that, in order to understand the situation, I needed to be paying attention to it while it happened.


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