In this thread: we will speculate boldly, wildly, and irresponsibly about the direction that our favourite memesite will take in 2017 in the year of our Lord.
My contributions:
- Donald Trump's every word, action, and bowel movement will continue to be carefully recorded and dissected by our admins and expert userbase (RIP Lisa Lombardo, peace be upon her)
- Another few beloved celebrities will die early on and the [current year sucks] memes will be reborn anew
- Twenty-seven new attempts to permanently migrate to Discord from Skype and the IRC
- The anti-JoJo revolt begins in proper
- Some bizarre Riff-Raff injoke created by a charismatic new user will mutate into an unironic forum cult that will get more and more out of control until finally the admins dispatch a team of moderators to raid and lock the thread only for them to discover that all of the inhabitants have committed mass ritual deactivation
- Brone cabal reunion tour. wink wink