Note: If you are not a brony or a regular visitor of the MLP:FiM entry page, this forum may not be directed towards you.
As many probably have noticed lately. The image board on the My Little Pony entry is having problems with a lot of images being reposts. This was the case for quite some time, but lately this has only increased. With an image board this big, it's understandable to lose track of the images that were already uploaded. But I've even seen images being uploaded, which I have seen so many times, I'm suprised they uploaded them.
Which brought me to think. I believed the problem was the sources people used. Because if the source is ponychan or another thread related site, better not upload it, 90% of the content posted there is a repost. The best thing to do is use sites like Equestria Daily and Poniboruu, and look at the newest uploads. Also Deviantart works great, but you need to know which people upload the most ponies.
I'm not a regular uploader of images myself, so I might not be the best person to doubt sources.
But I placed the sources problem in the comments as well. One of the replies I got was:
My current picture sources are DA (I have many pony artists on DA watch), Ponibooru, Bronibooru, EqD Drawfriends, and even e621. When the source is available I check the artist page to see if it is a piece of artwork posted within the past 24hr as I assume if it is older than that X, Y, or one of the others has uploaded it already. Artwork without a source I assume is already older than 24hrs and I don’t post it unless I can find the artist through a reverse picture look up. I try not to repost and if I do I remove them when informed, so please let me know when I do so.
I left names out on purpose.
This reply is a perfect example of what I like to see. Good sources. And when in doubt, it's a repost.
Now a solution for this problem might be a little hard. With the brony community being so big, it's easy to lose track. But maybe some rules should come. I understand that we can't make more people image moderators just for one entry.
As I have seen on the walls of image uploaders, they look after each other. Telling each other when they place a repost. Also the Image Cleaning forum is being used. So people already try to solve the problem.
But please people, this is getting out of hand. Not everything that's clickable needs to be posted. I'm not pointing at anyone here, but please consider the problem when you upload. If we would remove all the repost, the "guise, you need to stop posting" message on the front page probably wouldn't have been placed yet.