So, as most of us know, KYM is no where near at the popularity of most other wikis and social networks out there. It is a relatively small community where it is easy to stand out (which I do like).
However, something needs to be done about this site's low traffic. This thread is to discuss ways in which we could spread the site around. I'm sure that if more people knew about this site, it would be more popular. The problem is that most people have never heard of our wonderful little KYM. How could we spread the good news? There's always sharing the crap out of everything on social networks, but I'm talking about more obscure solutions. I've actually started telling some of my meme-loving friends IRL about this site. 9 out of 10 (about) liked what they saw, so I've got that going for us.
I think one thing that made this site popular in the first place was the videos. Those got KYM lots of attention when on YouTube and such. Now that they might be cancelled, we need something else that is catchy.
Some suggestions on what you can discuss are ways to spread word of KYM and things that might captivate the masses that is exclusive to KYM and makes it stand out like the video series did.