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New Mods (Edition 8)

Last posted Jun 13, 2014 at 10:41PM EDT. Added Jun 05, 2014 at 05:24PM EDT
47 posts from 32 users

That's right, it's that time of the year again where we reward people who have proven that they're not actually bad at everything!

Congrats you nerds, you did well.

Now get to my office for the initiation.

Last edited Jun 06, 2014 at 03:42AM EDT

I hereby pledge to uphold the rules, bring justice, solve incidents, and all that good stuff. Now then, lets see if I can get though that paddling without completely shattering my pelvic bones.

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

I hereby pledge to uphold the rules, bring justice, solve incidents, and all that good stuff. Now then, lets see if I can get though that paddling without completely shattering my pelvic bones.

You can't.

madcat wrote:

Too bad I only really like two of them. And sorta like 2 others. Congrats to those four, whom I will not mention by name!


Last edited Jun 05, 2014 at 06:35PM EDT

Honestly, this is exactly what I expected and what we talked about in the mod suggestions thread. I wouldn't have it any other way. For those who tried to make the cut but didn't…


Sonata Dusk wrote:

RandomMan wrote:


Damn. So close. Well, congratulations Harshwinny, whoever you are.

Thanks, guys.

Oh sorry, I meant to say HarshWHINY. >:U

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

So I suck so much that we need to bring in 3 people to cover my slack? …oh….okay

Congrats new mods!

I was going to make a joke here, but I'll save it for the shipping thread.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Why does forum get the boring plain paddle? Are we so unworthy of your divine initiation that you give us just the bare minimum? I am outraged. Outraged, I say!

Because the forums are boring and plain too.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Why does forum get the boring plain paddle? Are we so unworthy of your divine initiation that you give us just the bare minimum? I am outraged. Outraged, I say!

The alternative is for me to give a 5-post diatribe against "whitey" and how the only suitable and culturally appropriate reparation protocol is 250 years of on-demand access to 20-25 year old "whooty" for straight black men and all black women being addressed as "Your Highness."

We could all just watch Blazing Saddles too.

I am a mod now. Bring me your virgins images that should move galleries.

Internet for me sucks right now, though, and will for the rest of this week. I'll do what I can, in the mean time, but it will be less than I'd like.

Congrats to everyone else as well.

Jill wrote:

I am a mod now. Bring me your virgins images that should move galleries.

Internet for me sucks right now, though, and will for the rest of this week. I'll do what I can, in the mean time, but it will be less than I'd like.

Congrats to everyone else as well.

"Give me your videos, your pics,
"Your untagged spammings yearning to breathe free,
"The wretched shitposts of your teeming trolls.
"Send these, the homeless, un-catagorized to me,
"I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

^ LEL 2U!

Congratulations, guys! There are a lot of people here who I tell deserve props for their work – Deltamelon and Loli particularly, for spearheading the "Reaction Face Salvaging" project and cleaning up a ton of images specifically. You guys set excellent examples, and you have definitely earned your keep.

There's one thing I'm curious about, though – how often do these promotion rounds held? This is the first one I've seen.

Kung Fu Cthulhu wrote:

^ LEL 2U!

Congratulations, guys! There are a lot of people here who I tell deserve props for their work – Deltamelon and Loli particularly, for spearheading the "Reaction Face Salvaging" project and cleaning up a ton of images specifically. You guys set excellent examples, and you have definitely earned your keep.

There's one thing I'm curious about, though – how often do these promotion rounds held? This is the first one I've seen.

Originally it was half a year. But the last 'batch' only included Twilitlord for Forum Mod so it's not really much of a batch. The activity with for example images started heating up around a few weeks after Twilit's upgrade, so all the new Media Mods really fished just behind the net.

So it's been a year or something since we last had an actual batch. Here's the thread. Twilit's batch is usually considered batch 7.5; like Mona was considered batch 4.5; which would make this batch 8.

Last edited Jun 08, 2014 at 06:39PM EDT

Loli wrote:

Crimson Locks wrote:

I can’t wait to abuse my powers as soon as possible

>Not abusing of your powers since the first day

None of you peasants will ever reach my level.

First thing I did as a mod was lock the thread that announced my modship. Hahaha.

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

None of you peasants will ever reach my level.

First thing I did as a mod was lock the thread that announced my modship. Hahaha.

If I had ban powers I would ban every single one of you.

Twilitlord wrote:

I mean someone featured this thread so someone is definitely exercising their power muscle

That was me, because I forgot that past mod announcement threads always got featured.

The new mods are still of peasant levels.

Last edited Jun 09, 2014 at 10:24AM EDT

the real way to abuse power is to feature random threads in the 100-250 page range

far enough from either end that it's too time-consuming to actually search for

now you must find the thread i featured

Fuck, I thought MScratch was already a mod. I knew I was oblivious, but this is a new low for even my standards.

ANYWHO congrats to everyone for being the only people on the site who bother to contribute and not just argue all the time. Those lucky few of you I'm actually aware of seem deserving of your new positions.

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