Here are some tips that will help you be better accepted as a member of Know Your Meme.
1. We do not create memes on this site. Period. So do not try this.
2. +1 confirm is annoying. (especially when the article is already confirmed)
3. Trolling and spamming are grounds for a BAN!
4. Do not upload pornographic examples of a meme.
5. Not every funny thing that you find on the internet is a meme.
6. Seeing it on /b/ (even if it is a GET) does not necessarily make it a meme.
7. If you are unsure if something is a meme or not, ask in the forums BEFORE making the entry.
8. If you need help, ask.
9. Do not try to intentionally offend people.
10. Carefully search for an entry BEFORE you make it.
11. Making an account on Know Your Meme just to tell us you do not think something is a meme is annoying.
12. +1 deadpool is annoying (especially on a confirmed entry).
13. We are not /b/. Do not treat us as such.
14. If you made it, chances are it will never be a meme.
15. DO not assume that we at Know Your Meme are stupid.
16. If you do not approve of a meme, do not flames us about it. We document memes, not promote them.
If any other established KYM members have other things to add, just tell me.
And newbies, post your comments.