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How to make KYM better?

Last posted Apr 12, 2014 at 05:08PM EDT. Added Apr 07, 2014 at 10:47AM EDT
53 posts from 15 users

Well maybe we can't but there is some "ad-on" we could use, in my opinion. What are these? Well….
1) Visitor counter: Before I came to KYM, I was at the Minecraftforums. The two site are have some similarities. But some difference too, and one of them is the 'Latest visitors' at everyone's profile. What is this? This shows who were your lattest visitors. While maybe it's not will be good here (stalkers' death) but a visitor counter similiar to what the entires are have. ('Coz I'm egoist and I wanna know how many people are curious about me! jk lol)
2) I'm noticed some entry are NSFW though some of them are not really NSFW but have some material (sub-entries, sub-memes) but the major content isn't really. So I think we should out there something about this (I know there's the NSFW tag but nah it's not good there!). Suggestions?
3) Well the third one is about the Brand New Faggots, yeah those spambots ones. What if we put a Timelock there. What is Timelock? This means after registration you can't post an entry immedietly. Or something similiar like that.
Well what do you think about these, guys?

1) I don't really see how a view count on a profile makes KYM in its entirety better. Sure, I guess it would be no big problem for James to implant it, but how does it help KYM as a whole?

2) There is, and you pointed it out, it's called the NSFW tag. I really don't see what you're aiming for here, because your suggestion is just extremly vague altogether.

3) Dozens went before you with that idea, and an exact same number got their idea rejected. So again I will disagree with it. Putting a timelock will only demotivate people with good intentions to start contributing, hurting our contributions big time on the long run. The few "Brand New Faggots" that do spam stuff take a mere 10 seconds to deal with, it's not a bother.

So overal I don't think much of those ideas.

Last edited Apr 07, 2014 at 11:22AM EDT

1: Maybe a fun little gimmick. But would it really improve KYM? There is the flag counter thingy that has a similar function, even though it doesn't work in all regions.

2: A 'questionable' tag maybe? Something that falls in between the non-NSFW stuff, and stuff like this. But what falls in this gap is subjective, so it'd be tricky to implement a tag like questionable. The NSFW tag we have now warns you about the content, so there isn't really a need for additional ones.

3: It's been said before, but a time lock won't help. It'll demotivate new users that do have the potential to make good entries. Spam entries, badly written ones, entries about made up memes etc. are dealt with quickly, so a time lock for new users won't have the desired effect. Basically, what RandomMan said, didn't see his post until I posted this one.

Last edited Apr 07, 2014 at 11:28AM EDT

@All above definietly that's why I'm created this thread, for your opinions. Well now I need to rethink mine. But I still keep the Visitor Counter. I need that. But about the second, my 'forget some word now' syndrome is not helping me, after all. Well maybe it's needed (or not), I just stated my opinion. 'Bout third, if it really no matter then what about a 'flag as spam' button?

‘Bout third, if it really no matter then what about a ’flag as spam’ button?

Chances are we'd get spammed instead 20 times when a pony gets uploaded to a non-MLP image gallery.

I only want to reply to #3.

Most of the time the spammers don't post right away anyways. I was all pro-timelock not too long ago, but within the last year I started to notice that most "New user" spammers don't post right away. They usually have about a 15 minute interval between the time of their account creation and the posting of their spam entry/forum post which I think is the limit that was bumped up/created a year or so ago. Besides that, I've even seen accounts that were created 6 months ago w/o activity all of a sudden posing their spam. The later case is rare, but I've seen it. A timelock really won't do that much for the spam we already have and so it really just hurts the people with good intentions as Random said. Most of the spam gets dealt with pretty fast, so I don't really see it as a nuance on here. We're going to have spam no matter what. Facebook has it, Twitter has it. There's not really any effective way to handle it yet other than mod "manpower." The mods use the spam thread and IRC to monitor and handle this. So far it's been pretty effective. (Even though there's been times when I've had to point spam out 3/4 times on the thread.)

Last edited Apr 07, 2014 at 11:49AM EDT

Yeah I pretty much agree with the people above me in reply to your suggestions (I myself also use a flag counter), but allow me to give a suggestion of my own I've been thinking about but never found the opportunity to bring up.

I dunno how difficult it'd be to implement this, or if people would even use it, but to add another tab to the image galleries; along with Trending, Top Rated, and the like, I personally would like a tab that would order images by most recent comments. This way people like myself that like to comment and reply to other users in the comments section can know which images to check in order to get involved in a recent or relevant conversation. Thoughts?

That Glaceon wrote:

Yeah I pretty much agree with the people above me in reply to your suggestions (I myself also use a flag counter), but allow me to give a suggestion of my own I've been thinking about but never found the opportunity to bring up.

I dunno how difficult it'd be to implement this, or if people would even use it, but to add another tab to the image galleries; along with Trending, Top Rated, and the like, I personally would like a tab that would order images by most recent comments. This way people like myself that like to comment and reply to other users in the comments section can know which images to check in order to get involved in a recent or relevant conversation. Thoughts?

Though my opinions got answer(s), I think it's time to see other users opinions and suggestions. About this, I think it's not bad idea but we don't have one already?

That Glaceon wrote:

Yeah I pretty much agree with the people above me in reply to your suggestions (I myself also use a flag counter), but allow me to give a suggestion of my own I've been thinking about but never found the opportunity to bring up.

I dunno how difficult it'd be to implement this, or if people would even use it, but to add another tab to the image galleries; along with Trending, Top Rated, and the like, I personally would like a tab that would order images by most recent comments. This way people like myself that like to comment and reply to other users in the comments section can know which images to check in order to get involved in a recent or relevant conversation. Thoughts?

The Most Commented Section orders images by the highest amount of new comments. For example the current most commented image has only 37 comments, which doesn't even get close to the most commented image of all time with 570 comments.

I think this therefore comes close enough to your idea.

And for when people reply to your comments, we have the mail for that, as you get send a notification whenever someone replies to your comment.

RandomMan wrote:

The Most Commented Section orders images by the highest amount of new comments. For example the current most commented image has only 37 comments, which doesn't even get close to the most commented image of all time with 570 comments.

I think this therefore comes close enough to your idea.

And for when people reply to your comments, we have the mail for that, as you get send a notification whenever someone replies to your comment.

I'm glad you said that the Most Commented Section orders images by the highest amount of new comments. I suppose I had just assumed it was simply "most comments of all images."

Since I know that now, yeah, my idea is moot.

Make the karma adjustable so that if someone changes their mind or accidentally up/downvotes, they can change their vote and the counter can more accurately reflect the karma count without all of the "i meant to upvote" comments. thats all i can think of off of the top of my head right now

SaturnSL1 wrote:

Make the karma adjustable so that if someone changes their mind or accidentally up/downvotes, they can change their vote and the counter can more accurately reflect the karma count without all of the "i meant to upvote" comments. thats all i can think of off of the top of my head right now

That and an edit button to the comments. 'Coz sometimes (sometimes?! Always!) I make some mistakes or grammer accidents and I know it's not okay but I can't edit my comment to fix that.

SaturnSL1 wrote:

Make the karma adjustable so that if someone changes their mind or accidentally up/downvotes, they can change their vote and the counter can more accurately reflect the karma count without all of the "i meant to upvote" comments. thats all i can think of off of the top of my head right now

This one and the edit button for comments are good ideas.

1) Bring Scientists Back to the Site. They set the example for our entries, and incentivse crowds to come to the website to meet them.

2) Entry Templates. Excuse me while I impersonate myself for a bit: Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates Entry Templates ENTRY TEMPLATES. BNM's initial content will suck LESS because they know what to add to the damn ENTRY.

3) Titles to be treated as Achievements underneath the profile image in the profile page, allowing for users to reach visible benchmarks, and know what they need to do to make their title change, and getting them more active in other parts of the website.

4) Plaster the Rules everywhere in the Comments Section.

5) Change the forum links rule over to the left of the Forum Reply Box to the UPDATED RULES.


I could go on, but I am sounding like a broken record already.

1) What do you mean by this? Do you mean scientists as in Forest & co. and the video series? Or do you mean something else? If that, I'm not sure that's something we can fix, or do you mean something else?
2) Interesting idea. Although the different categories have different criteria, although I'm sure this could be changed by changing the template based on the selected criteria. I like this idea otherwise.
3)I don't think many other mods will get behind this idea, a lot of us don't like the idea of people contributing for a reward. I personally don't see how this would help tbh
4) I agree that the comment section need to be more aware of the rules, especially considering the rules are in the forums, and many commentators are not forum goers and vice versa. Not sure how we can make them more aware of the rules though
5) Why hasn't this been done yet this should be the easiest to fix someone get on this

I think for a lot of suggestions, I think we not only need to be saying what should change, but how we should implement them. Suggestions aren't much good if no one knows how to enact them


1) Yeah, I mean the Video Series. The ability to interact with the creators of the video series was one of the biggest reasons to hang around on the site. Yeah, I am not exactly asking for Forest or the Original Team back; just give the userbase something to idolize over the Moderatorbase.

2) Yeah, the general idea of how that would work is during the entry creation, you are forced to pick what type of entry you are making first, and then it would load up the entry creation screen with the appropriate template, and maybe some pro-tips in another window.

3) I explained in another thread that by displaying the ranks of the user in ALL the categories in conjunction to making titles, we would wind up getting the completionist crowd a little more active in other parts of the website. Of course, I understand that strategy has it's ups and downs as even though it does get people active everywhere, it somewhat enables the more obnoxious crowd to go spamming. I am still playing around with the idea myself.

7) A few more ranks of higher ranked titles, which was discussed in the other thread so I won't go too much into it.

Last edited Apr 10, 2014 at 04:38AM EDT

@Nats & Random 21

1) Meh, indifferent.

2) The Style Guide features an idea of what each category requires regarding headers and stuff. Plus it describes the basic textile/html necessary. I understand your template idea, but with the Style Guide already present I believe some other smaller issues can be fixed first.

3) There was the idea to make badges, like the ones the three of us have, for each title there is. It wouldn't create a lengthy title, but it would still show how far you "completed" your contributions on KYM on your profile. Don't expect this one to be completed on the short run though.

4) I'm still more a fan of an editorial with ALL the rules and slam the link to that one on top of the page (next to About | Chat | etc.). Hell, I already made an editorial for that, it's just sitting there in silence because each time I brought it up it was mostly ignored.

5) See point 4.

6) We tried this, they're called the Confirmation Suggestions and other threads in Meme Research, alongside docs that mods have active alongside it. But both the thread and the mod doc have kinda died down. Get those active again, and you can get rid of A LOT of limbo.

7) Yeah, already discussed this in the other thread. But fuck all those specific titles people tried to give themselves.

Last edited Apr 10, 2014 at 09:28AM EDT

What about the translation? I mean sometimes I wish the site would be aviable in my native language 'coz it would be easier to show my friends, classmates, family members. So what about a translation project?

@RandomMan & Nats
1)>Implying there was any interaction with Forest & company. There's been a huge lack of interactivity with the higher ups recently. The scientists have all but left, the admins don't really talk now Amanda's left, and only the mod team have that interactivity now. I can see what you mean, kinda
2)I think even with that there, it's still a different matter on whether the user will actually look at it. I think that the template idea could work to bridge this gap
3)I guess that could work, but badges would be a huge commitment, which I don't think the admins would prioritize, so this would be far into the distant future
4&5)Again, I guess that could work. We really need to start getting the admins to take note about stuff like this, this kinda stuff shouldn't be ignored.
6)I think we mods need to get off our asses about those mod docs, we have plenty of entries which can be confirmed (Madoka Magica and Swimming Anime are just waiting for a confirmation right now) and even more which need to be made. I think that even if we brought it up again, it'd just be forgotten about. Hell, looking at our confirm doc, the only real users are Me, you, Triple Z and mona.
7) With RandomMan here, hard to take the discussion seriously when 90% of people are basically just indirectly asking for a custom title.

Few things
1. Custom titles after say two years with the site. True "kym veterans have them"
2. Messages need to allow less than four characters to be sent so I can message kek to people.
3. I second the idea of entry templates. I possibly could make an entry or help with entries but I'm scared. Some kind of template or guide would help

@Doctor Kori

Translating entries would require manual translation, which is a shitton of work which requires manpower we don't have. Unless you get the entire community motivated to help along, but we all know that won't work out.

If you still want to try it, best idea is to first start with translating entries into their native languages. So English entries can stay written in English, but for example a German or Japanese meme allows to be read in respectively German and Japan as well.


1. We just went over the idea of custom titles. Not gonna happen, ever.
2. That is the worst reason I ever read.
3. We shared the link to the Styleguide, so if it's a guide you want that already exists.

2. Heck, no.

I thought there will be a language choosing section something like…….like on the most of the sites supporting foreign languages.

Two things:
1. An easier way to get your image noticed if it's not part of the top galleries. This could help prevent the galleries from becoming dumping sites.
2. The ability to favorite comments. Some of these comments I find are entertaining.

ARobotNamedJoe wrote:

Two things:
1. An easier way to get your image noticed if it's not part of the top galleries. This could help prevent the galleries from becoming dumping sites.
2. The ability to favorite comments. Some of these comments I find are entertaining.

The way we get trending images is people dumping images on a specific gallery. Something like Tumblr or MLP gets a lot of images uploaded, they get noticed and tagged by others. Therefore they get noticed and on the trending image category. Another way is by getting featured on the front page, which the Tumblr gallery gets a lot of.

Favorite comments? I've began to hate comments because of their common ability to be the most unfriendly and unwelcoming section of KYM. Mainly they post 'Op is a fag' images on relevant entries. Is that your definition of 'entertaining'? However for some rare instances like this for the current most downvoted comment, it would be pretty cool.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

RandomMan wrote:

"We just went over the idea of custom titles. Not gonna happen, ever."

Your words betray you. Plenty of people do have custom titles.

The KYM veteran title. Cutie. The KYM veteran title.

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:31AM EDT

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

RandomMan wrote:

"We just went over the idea of custom titles. Not gonna happen, ever."

Your words betray you. Plenty of people do have custom titles.

And we just went over why it's not happening anymore after those ones.

Besides, as was mentioned, we're talking the "KYM Veteran" title, which is never happening anyways regardless of any other custom titles.

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:42AM EDT

ARobotNamedJoe wrote:

Two things:
1. An easier way to get your image noticed if it's not part of the top galleries. This could help prevent the galleries from becoming dumping sites.
2. The ability to favorite comments. Some of these comments I find are entertaining.

I think RandomMan going to hate me for this but what if we remove the 'Show fewer ponies' button and implenting the tag system. I mean what if you just tick in a box what kind of pics are you wanna see and the boxes with no ticks are means those kind of pics will not show up for you. Example you tick the anime box but you not tick the cartoon box will result in you see anime pics but you don't see any MLP or any other Cartoon pics including Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, Gumball, etc. Of course not just only animes you gonna see 'coz everything you ticked previously or was ticked automaticaly it will going to show up too. So everybody will start with basic like reaction faces, ruined/enhanced childhood, something like this and then you can change these settings. I know it's reducing some place I think in two line, can be solved. But the important not specific show, site or meme, but categories. Well what you all think?

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:42AM EDT

Twilitlord wrote:

And we just went over why it's not happening anymore after those ones.

Besides, as was mentioned, we're talking the "KYM Veteran" title, which is never happening anyways regardless of any other custom titles.

Yeah, but those titles have and still exist, so the word "ever" isn't really appropriate here. And who's to say it won't happen a year or two down the road. Things change.

Random21 wrote:

3)I guess that could work, but badges would be a huge commitment, which I don’t think the admins would prioritize, so this would be far into the distant future

Obviously the code for badges exist right now otherwise select users wouldn't have them. And the script for title updates already exist. How hard could it be to add a little script and what not to link a badge to a profile each time a title is earned?

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 04:49AM EDT

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

RandomMan wrote:

"We just went over the idea of custom titles. Not gonna happen, ever."

Your words betray you. Plenty of people do have custom titles.

Yeah, but those titles have and still exist, so the word “ever” isn’t really appropriate here. And who’s to say it won’t happen a year or two down the road. Things change.

In which yet another person tries to convince us to give him one.

Obviously the code for badges exist right now otherwise select users wouldn’t have them. And the script for title updates already exist. How hard could it be to add a little script and what not to link a badge to a profile each time a title is earned?

The nonexistance of the badges themselves is a good start.

@Doctor Kori

The Show Fewer Ponies button is there due to the quantity of ponies in the image gallery. Compared to any other gallery on the site, ponies are just being uploaded a lot more often, to the point that they would swarm the image stream with an at least 1:1 ratio of pony to any other image.

Until other galleries have that same problem, I don't think there's a need for an additional button. Your idea seems plausible in a way, but it requires too much effort as of now. You would first need to categorise every image on the site in existance, and then decide which "boxes" you'd need. It's too much work when there's already a search feature present.

>implying I'm trying to convince anyone in this thread with no powers to give me a title.
I'll take that request to the staff thank you. kekkekkekkekkekkek

The nonexistance of the badges themselves is a good start.

I was actually talking about the achievement badges. This should be implemented because not everyone who is a Forum/Comment user has edited articles or uploaded images. Some just do one of those areas, while others do 2 or 3. Then it could work on a tier system. E.g.

Bronze = Lurker/Memeber / Jr. Researcher / Collector
Silver = Researcher / Scrapbooker / Gold Member
Gold = Commentator / Collector / Sr. Researcher
Diamond = Conversationalist / Research Advisor/Resident Researcher

Edit: Then we could work from there. (e.g. FiM badge for making friends, badge for residency, badge for karma)

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 09:40AM EDT

I was actually talking about the achievement badges. This should be implemented because not everyone who is a Forum/Comment user has edited articles or uploaded images. Some just do one of those areas, while others do 2 or 3. Then it could work on a tier system.

That's what I was talking about as well, and that idea you bring up here was already how I explained it in that other thread. Those are the badges I meant as non-existant, so you would first need to make them. Although I would seriously tweak your tier example there, because for an example that is supposed to be based on specific areas, they seem completely randomized to me (and how is something worthless as Conversationalist even a same tier high as quality Entry contributors?).

But make this a discussion for that title thread, and not for this thread. This thread isn't about titles, and fancy titles isn't exactly something that makes KYM in its entirety better.

RandomMan wrote:

Something worthless as Conversationalist

Hey! And if they that worthless and I have 8 editorships and 7 of them are okay then why I can't have the researcher rank, huh?

@Conversationalist: I was just basing that off the tiers we already have. You get Converse at 1000 unique post (forums or comments but not both I think), which take a pretty long time to get. (I agree converse is worthless, but obviously the site admins place it higher than Research Advisor or I would have that rank right now.)

Also, the badges could be user made. I mean the log-in pictures were all user made, so why not just hold an election thread for badges as well?

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 02:31PM EDT

Stop discussing about custom titles and badges. Do they seriously merit the appearance to be here in the "How to make KYM better?" thread? Definitely not.

Hey! And if they that worthless and I have 8 editorships and 7 of them are okay then why I can’t have the researcher rank, huh?

Commentator overtakes Researcher and even Sr. Researcher. Therefore you can't get it after that point.

Ah yes titles and badges, they mean nothing in this site.

Disregarding the moderators and the Thanks Awards, custom titles and badges are nothing but a big flashy 'look at me' subtext. People just want custom titles to be more recognized, and our small group of custom title holders aren't being attention-seeking users unlike people who are desiring them right here and right now.

Well you guys talk too much about the titles, why you don't go to this thread, yeah I know it's for your dreamed titles but you can use for this too, you got my seal of approval. And oh yeah if you there would you be enough kind to put some positive karmas on my posts? Clearly they are bombed to 4 feet deep fo no good reason, or just I think that.

Penny wrote:

Well you guys talk too much about the titles, why you don't go to this thread, yeah I know it's for your dreamed titles but you can use for this too, you got my seal of approval. And oh yeah if you there would you be enough kind to put some positive karmas on my posts? Clearly they are bombed to 4 feet deep fo no good reason, or just I think that.

There is so much wrong with that post. First off, you did join the little quarrel about the titles. Don't think that we, just me, Random and Cutie just talked over it. However I suppose it ended fairly quickly. Secondly, did you just ask for positive karma? You didn't get downvoted in your custom title thread because it was for naught. It was because of you revived that thread a thread topic wasn't even locked, you also subtlely asked for a custom title, and there was another very less controversial thread in Site Related. That thread is also relevant to what people that are not selfish want, some new ranks based on contributing rather than being an attention seeker. Most importantly, you linked your own post to your custom title thread to gain karma. Pretty shady there.

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:21PM EDT

Weasel wrote:

Disregarding the moderators and the Thanks Awards, custom titles and badges are nothing but a big flashy ‘look at me’ subtext. People just want custom titles to be more recognized, and our small group of custom title holders aren’t being attention-seeking users unlike people who are desiring them right here and right now.


In other words, they are worthless. Is funny to see people trying to get noticed though.

But yeah, we should stop the silly talk.

Cronus wrote:

There is so much wrong with that post. First off, you did join the little quarrel about the titles. Don't think that we, just me, Random and Cutie just talked over it. However I suppose it ended fairly quickly. Secondly, did you just ask for positive karma? You didn't get downvoted in your custom title thread because it was for naught. It was because of you revived that thread a thread topic wasn't even locked, you also subtlely asked for a custom title, and there was another very less controversial thread in Site Related. That thread is also relevant to what people that are not selfish want, some new ranks based on contributing rather than being an attention seeker. Most importantly, you linked your own post to your custom title thread to gain karma. Pretty shady there.

No. I never asked for custom titles and as I see, you clearly not understand kidding. Or my name makes you think I'm always serious? And no I linked the thread 'coz you and others fuck up the whole thread with your crying for fucking titles! Now who is the title bitch?

Penny wrote:

Well you guys talk too much about the titles, why you don't go to this thread, yeah I know it's for your dreamed titles but you can use for this too, you got my seal of approval. And oh yeah if you there would you be enough kind to put some positive karmas on my posts? Clearly they are bombed to 4 feet deep fo no good reason, or just I think that.

As Weasel already shared, this thread was the title thread I talked about. One where a possible new tier is discussed, a tier based on actual contributions.

I see no issue with rewarding people for contributions, whether through a new tier or by adding badges for the automatic titles. They're simple things, but they manage to keep people motivated to keep contributing.

But why would I even refer to a JFF thread about custom titles? And did you seriously just ask for karma?

Eyes. Designed to see, read and poke it when you se something inappropiate. @RandomMan my dear friend, please, I thought you know when I kidding and when I serious. For god's sake! I'm going to stop joking and I turn into the seriousness itself.

Penny wrote:

No. I never asked for custom titles and as I see, you clearly not understand kidding. Or my name makes you think I'm always serious? And no I linked the thread 'coz you and others fuck up the whole thread with your crying for fucking titles! Now who is the title bitch?

Do you understand in your thread that I didn't blindly ask for a title. I stayed on topic. I'm getting pretty angry with you, and that's pretty special when you try to make yourself right when I am already right. You are trying to mask yourself in so much ways it's plausible you're doing all this to gain something. If I was going to ask for titles, I wouldn't. I don't see anything that makes me CRY or WHINE for custom titles if you took the time to read everyone's posts. On your thread, I stayed on topic.

How about taking action when your threads derail? A little responsibility won't hurt instead of getting mad at me.


Eyes. Designed to see, read and poke it when you se something inappropiate. I thought you know when I kidding and when I serious. For god’s sake! I’m going to stop joking and I turn into the seriousness itself.

I don't know what you are trying to do right now. Are you trying to derail…your own thread that everyone in this thread likes?


Weasel, I read your posts but even simple titles are titles and as RM said in his post they talked enough about it and they choosed no. But you and Cutie just keep talking about this when it was over.

I didn't really want to talk about titles, it was something I try to end asap when it is discussed. Strictly speaking, I didn't really like your immense amounts of anger-inducing sarcasm and 'joking' you claim to have. I am not too immersed in the 'sarcasm' so I do take things more seriously than you may think. Furthermore, I chose to ignore, and discourage those trying to earn custom titles.

I also choose to not make another post but to edit this one because I don't think it would be any good to try to keep trying to end your consistent attitude. If you really want to mess with me any more, head to my wall and use all your sarcasm and snarky comments.

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:53PM EDT

@Weasel I read your posts but even simple titles are titles and as RM said in his post they talked enough about it and they choosed no. But you and Cutie just keep talking about this when it was over.

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 03:43PM EDT

Okay guys. I'm let the steam out now I can think without sudden raging. So about those motherf- I mean inrelevant titles. This thread's new rule is no titles. Nobody can even mention them not even in an in-direct reference. I don't wanted this but you forced me to do and yeah I think you are now trying to say 'im not even forced you!' and 'yor a liar!'. No I'm not really you all forced me to do this expect those who tried to stop this madness. So let's go it over again.

  • You can't mention titles, both custom and/or regular.
  • You can't reference to titles, neither direct or in-direct way, and not even in arguments.

Up there you find urls to 3 (3 right?) thread one of them a JFF the other is a Site-related. In the latter one you can suggest titles (what should be) while in the earlier you can tell others what is the custom title you want for yourself (this does not mean you gonna get it for posting it there) about the third one. I have no idea why don't you go and check it out?

Last edited Apr 12, 2014 at 04:14PM EDT

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