I decided not to make my post in this thread, as it seems geared more towards comment karma. But mods, feel free to redirect this thread if you think this topic would fit better in the thread previously linked.
I'm assuming that karma was originally created on the site to compliment good or funny posts and bury shitposts or off-topic comments. There's nothing wrong with this. But due to karma being shown on users walls, I would imagine that some users feel they're being judged based on their overall negative karma count and/or the percentage of positive and negative karma they have. Because of this, some users might avoid doing things such as voicing their opinions or making certain posts that might get them downvotes. Therefore, I think it would be useful to do something such as removing karma from user's profiles, or at least removing the positive/negative count, so that only a user's net karma would be shown.
TL;DR: I don't see the point in displaying karma on user's walls.
Any other thoughts on forum karma as a whole?