I noticed a lot of images are only viewed or upvoted because they are softcore porn. I often see unfiltered nude pornography slip through moderation when images are uploaded and people enjoy it including me. Tumblr lost out big because they blocked porn which is in the first place a big part of fan art and fandoms and meme culture. This site derives significant economic benefit from allowing porn because it drives traffic and is clearly what users want and what people are posting either in a softcore or sometimes hardcore fashion. If the main argument is "we want to be child friendly" well, you can see how well that worked for Tumblr, so it's fine if KnowYourMeme does not want to make money. I like porn and it has everything to do with memes so just allow it and get with the times.
Edit: Have you seen some of the mod's choice memes? Coomers? Who's getting the best head? You guys even put the thumbnails of these memes at the top of the site. Just saying a lot of you seem to want porn but seem hesitant to take that leap of flat out allowing it. Just take the leap.