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Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Revealed

Last posted Jun 29, 2020 at 01:41AM EDT. Added Jun 19, 2020 at 03:47PM EDT
15 posts from 10 users

Game was leaked by a Taiwan ESRB board and Toys For Bob sent out a jigsaw puzzle to some people. Seems like we're getting a trailer on Monday.

This is so great to see. As for the masks, yeah, I'm suspecting that there's gonna be some references to Wrath of Cortex there but that the game won't be a straight-up remake of Wrath of Cortex.

Last edited Jun 19, 2020 at 04:39PM EDT

If it's a reimagining of Wrath of Cortex but with the more meh aspects of that game fixed up then I'm good with a revisit of that game, but if it's a completely new game that just acts as a new continuation of the events following Crash 3 then that's cool too. if it is a reimagining of Wrath of Cortex I wonder if they'd be able to get back some of the big name voices they got for the original (the one sad omission being R. Lee Ermey as he's since passed on).

Maybe it's just nostalgia (I'm a 00s kid) but I still don't get why people shit on Wrath of Cortex so much, I genuinely enjoyed it. Its one of the few PS2 games I still have left and I can still play it and enjoy it till this day.

But I digress, I'm curious to see what this ends up being.

TripleA9000 wrote:

Maybe it's just nostalgia (I'm a 00s kid) but I still don't get why people shit on Wrath of Cortex so much, I genuinely enjoyed it. Its one of the few PS2 games I still have left and I can still play it and enjoy it till this day.

But I digress, I'm curious to see what this ends up being.

My only issues with the game were the water levels and some of the flying stages not being as good as the ones in Crash 3. Otherwise though I do remember enjoying the majority of the game, the platforming still felt similar to the PS1 games and the roller sphere levels were a lot of fun.

I loved that game as it was probably the Crash game i played the most of as a kid, but i know that it has its issues compared to the prior games.

Most notably i can remember is that the game has insanely long load times (my game used to take 4-10 minutes to load at times).
The flying sections were pretty bad, the ending was locked behind collectibles, all of the bosses from the previous games were just stage hazards instead of actual bosses cause the Masks took their place instead. ect.

StoneColdKillerWhale wrote:

I loved that game as it was probably the Crash game i played the most of as a kid, but i know that it has its issues compared to the prior games.

Most notably i can remember is that the game has insanely long load times (my game used to take 4-10 minutes to load at times).
The flying sections were pretty bad, the ending was locked behind collectibles, all of the bosses from the previous games were just stage hazards instead of actual bosses cause the Masks took their place instead. ect.

Do you mean 4 to 10 min total or did the game seriously take that long to load sometimes? Because if so I think your disc was messed up, because they could be lengthy on PS2 but not THAT long. I played it on Gamecube though and on that system load times actually weren't that bad, it seems PS2 was the system that had it worse in terms of loading.

As for the ending being behind collectibles, the PS1 games were the same so eh if you're gonna complain about that for Wrath of Cortex then the same applies to the PS1 trilogy.

@Mistress Fortune
Yes, and no. It's a fairly well known issue with the original version of the game, on the PS2, that had massively inflated load times. They remedied this in the greatest hits version of the game, but for the original it did have pretty lengthy loading times.

Granted they were more like 60 seconds or so on average, but they could go way longer than that. It was also speculate around the web that scratched copies of the game had far worse loading issue which i can attest to as my copy was pretty scratched (i was a kid, i didn't care about preserving my disks), and the loads times for me really did go upwards of 5+ minutes.


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