What's something that the game treated as some kind of twist or revelation, but you saw it coming a mile away? I'll start with a small one:
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What's a plot twist that you saw coming?
Last posted
Feb 22, 2022 at 11:50PM EST.
Jan 09, 2022 at 09:10AM EST
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11 users
the arkham knight's identity, ironically it was because the voice filter they used made him sound exactly like a certain animated film counterpart that used the EXACT SAME TWIST. oh, and rocksteady's blatantly false denial when people figured it out before the game even launched.
Atriox being alive.
I could tell from the beginning that something was up, as killing off the Big Bad within a couple of minutes of the game off-screen would have been a silly idea.
Then, as the replacement villains were busy devouring the scenery in the glorious style of Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains, it occurred to me that they were pushing Atriox's death way, way too hard.
The fact that none of the replacements seemed to have any permanence and where often dead within half-an-hour of their introduction also told me that they weren't the actual villains.
At that point, there was no way in my mind that he was dead.
And lo and behold, what do we see at the end of the game.
Atriox awakening the Time Splitters from their prisons on Hula Hoop 07.
It's no secret that Halo Infinite is far from complete.
From the lack of game modes, vehicles, weapons and pretty much everything else compared to every other Halo apart from possibly Halo: Combat Evolved.
Everything feels half-baked, especially the story. So here's what I predict.
The story so far is just the first half.
The Co-Op campaign will be completely separate from the main one, and will continue the story à la Halo 4's Spartan Ops.
Looking at the Harbinger's voice files, we can see that her entity name is not "Harbinger", but "Inquisitor".
This implies that she is not a unique entity, but is merely a type, like "Grunt Mule" or "Brute Chieftain".
Therefore, I believe that we will fight with the Endless in the new, upcoming Spartan Ops 2.0 and it will culminate in the Banished and the Endless releasing the Flood when they are on the edge of defeat and using their time-altering powers to protect themselves whilst the Flood outbreak delivers a mortal blow to the UNSC campaign against them.
Despite this film being out for a couple years still spoiler alert.
The real villain in Incredibles 2.
That cake was indeed a lie.
And that the princess was in another castle.
Most of the "twists" in Final Fantasy XIV. It's an enjoyable story, but highly predictable too.
It's hard to pick just one twist to call out, but the who the real Satrap of Radz-at-han is was visible from a mile away, for example.
The old adventurer from Up. The moment he shows up along with his hunting dogs, it's so obvious.
Volo being evil in Legends Arceus. Not saying it's bad, I genuinely enjoyed the twist that Cynthia's ancestor basically has Cyrus' motivations, which sheds new light on Cynthia's anger towards Cyrus.
The build up was rather good, too. Anytime he popped up I felt like he was up to something, always at the right time and the right place. Plus the final battle against him and Giratina was so damn good.
Not exactly a plot twist but in Enderal right at the beginning, you meet an npc called "daddy." Within the house you apparently share with daddy, you find books on meat and an anatomical diagram of a woman. Daddy then saying you were the one behind the deaths of a sibling and your mother before eating a dead elk while the room goes on fire. As a plot twist of Daddy being a deranged npc and things going to bad was something I could see coming partly because of the npc looking and sounding like he was building up to being a sinister person and the books and diagram being something I spotted. The game didn't surprise me in making him what would be a man that spouts out the nightmare of a vegan in demanding you bring him meat while he eats at a dead elk while everything catches on fire..