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Worst Youtube Comment Sections

Last posted 10 years ago. Added 10 years ago
52 posts from 36 users

Hi everyone, welcome to my very first thread that i started just for the fun of it!

Now i just wanted to discuss something today, what is the worst YouTube comment section you’ve experienced? Through the 4 years I've been on YouTube i have found many cringe inducing comment sections where the commenters sounded way to dumb to function. Most of these comments i found were on videos from PewDiePie, TheFineBrothers, Cyanide And
Happiness, and WatchMojo.Com.
You may post your experiences with dumb comments section, the dumbest comment section you’ve seen, how you got in a pointless argument with a troll or fan, or whatever as long as its relevant. But please no offense to the Youtubers who posted the videos, unless they got in the argument or conversation they are not the problem.
Thanks and have fun!

youtube comment section of any popular rapper that ISNT macklemore/eminem.

no, in fact the comment section of any, ANY, popular musician, they are iether filled with ignorant bigots, blind worshippers, or "wrong generation" type of guys.

James Blunt wrote:

youtube comment section of any popular rapper that ISNT macklemore/eminem.

no, in fact the comment section of any, ANY, popular musician, they are iether filled with ignorant bigots, blind worshippers, or "wrong generation" type of guys.

Same goes for even rock bands, If you go to the Smells Like Teen Spirit music video you'll find a bunch of kids who praise Nirvana and Kurt but don't know the slightest bit about them except for that Kurt committed suicide

Usually anything that has over a million views, but there's these two pranking channels called VitalyzdTB and RomanAtwood. Nearly every single video of theirs in the comments there's extreme racism, any other bigotry you can think of, and overall stupidity. I really recommend checking out these videos yourselves because the comments almost transcend typical YouTube stupidness. Nearly every comment is blatantly racist in some of these videos and the racist ones actually get loads of upvotes somehow.

Tough to say, but I'll have to go with comments sections of videos from Screwattack. From console wars fanatics to people arguing but going nowhere, these commenters bring out the bad side of certain gamers.

Cold Hard Crash wrote:

Tough to say, but I'll have to go with comments sections of videos from Screwattack. From console wars fanatics to people arguing but going nowhere, these commenters bring out the bad side of certain gamers.

Really is that so? Huh I've watched them a lot but never thought of looking at the comment section (other than the Death Battle Videos where i too was a stupid commenter)

No Original Names wrote:

Really is that so? Huh I've watched them a lot but never thought of looking at the comment section (other than the Death Battle Videos where i too was a stupid commenter)

Oh, right. The Death Battle videos had it bad too. Usually complaints over who won and who lost and demanding what the outcome should've been instead. And some insults towards whoever agrees or disagrees for good measure.

Another thing about the Screwattck comments is that people spam Death Battle requests on videos not relating to Death Battle.

Oh here's a challenge retsupurae's "Adults react to pewdiepie" THAT'S a good cringe ride for ya. Pewdiepie haters AND Pewdiepie fans come together to make it unbearable, Its a 2 for 1 deal!

James Blunt wrote:

youtube comment section of any popular rapper that ISNT macklemore/eminem.

no, in fact the comment section of any, ANY, popular musician, they are iether filled with ignorant bigots, blind worshippers, or "wrong generation" type of guys.

This to the extreme. I find of all the various fans you come across on Youtube, music fans have the hardest time dealing with the idea that people can have different opinions.

Spooky Pizza wrote:

Anything with religion as the subject

That is, if they don't close the comments first.

Whenever I look up folk music from different parts of the world on YouTube, there are always prejudice comments in broken English, either against the part of the world the music came from, or against an "enemy" of the part of the world that the music came from.

A lot of it actually looks like this:

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

Almost every YouTube video has horrible comments (with the exceptions of videos that has comments disables). So far, only some Castlevania videos have some comments that is actually not cringeworthy.

NintenDylan wrote:

Currently anything JonTron has done has gone into a retarded shitstorm over SJWs and Jon's use of the word retard.

Ugh yes, i do feel offended when people use the word "retard", buts that's when someone uses it as a insult to a person not a game service so this is a pretty stupid discussion they're having over there.

General Grievous wrote:

Almost every YouTube video has horrible comments (with the exceptions of videos that has comments disables). So far, only some Castlevania videos have some comments that is actually not cringeworthy.

Well actually no, i found many comment sections that can be worth you time and maybe you'll learn something. Specifically the Extra Credits video comments sections have some well thought out comments that talk about the state of the gaming industry and give great advice on how we can help, they also stay relevant to the video.

While i was at the video about the opening of DragonBall Z.
What i got in the comments are flame wars between people who preferred Z and those who preferred Kai. (Which i think is stupid. Since it's basically the same thing. The only difference is that Kai gets a new opening, redone voice acting, and cuts away all of the filler so that it is more closer to the manga)

I think any video that remotely features the Twin Towers

I remember a friend put the home movie on youtube of his visit to new york when me and his family went in the 90s (around that time) and he goes inside (I wasn't in it, I was on the subway or some crap)

He deleted it cause of the comments were like "WE CAN SEE WHERE THE BOMBS COULD BE DETONATED WAKE UP SHEEPLE"

Last edited 10 years ago

Anything that has to do with my little pony is pretty cringey on youtube. I mean you can't go to any video without seeing a pony shitstorm. Its really fucking annoying.

Virtually anything that is related to 9/11, JFK assassination, scientology, alongside pretty much any conspiracy theory vid, with possible exeptions from alltime 10's, alltime conspiracies, and truthloader.

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There's also that video of a parody of Family Guy by South Park. Back and forth arguments over which show is better, people stating that they find neither show to be good, and folks complaining about either show being offensive. This coming from a community that says the most awfully prejudiced things that would make the creators of both shows cringe. I personally watch South Park more often, but you don't see me making myself look like a hypocrite.

Seananners has a pretty desolate comment section. Half the comments are people spamming their channels. A quarter are people complaining about the spam. And the other quarter are people complaining about the other people in the videos. It's at the point where when someone actually comments about the video itself, it triggers a forty comment thread about how much of a dick they are for getting so many upvotes and somehow that means they're spamming their channel.

I see this bullshit everywhere

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a nazi who wants to kill six million jews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

Anyone who actually believes this bullshit is on an entirely new level of stupid.

Last edited 10 years ago

General Grievous wrote:

Almost every YouTube video has horrible comments (with the exceptions of videos that has comments disables). So far, only some Castlevania videos have some comments that is actually not cringeworthy.

You must not visot that many comment sections then. I actually know a YouTuber named GilvaSunner who pretty much just uploads soundtracks for Nintendo games and most of the comment sections on his videos can be downright pleasant. There is the occasional mess but most of it is clean in my opinion. There are others, but I can't really think of them right now. You should try looking more. YouTube isn't all terrible.

TripleA9000 wrote:

I see this bullshit everywhere

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a nazi who wants to kill six million jews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

Anyone who actually believes this bullshit is on an entirely new level of stupid.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

The comments section of any Epic Rap Battles of History video is pretty awful. The fans make pretty terrible suggestions like:
Peter Griffin vs. Homer Simpson
Call of Duty vs. Battlefield 3

And some other bad ones I can't think of.

Gaben the troll's intro video. The idiots there call kym CANCER!

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I also think it's worth mentioning that any anime related video always has horrendous comments. If the anime is English dubbed there's always a war in the comment sections between dubs vs. subs. If it's a popular series there's a war in the comments about people trying to prove it's overrated.

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wat tambor wrote:

Gaben the troll's intro video. The idiots there call kym CANCER!

They're right you know

I think there is a song dedicated to the people in this comments section

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Every single comment section about politics (especially Israel and Palestine)

Someone once made a video titled 'PEWDIEPIE SUCKS!', but in the video, he said he never watched pewdiepie and that this was a test to see what his fans would do.
The comment section is full of idiots who didn’t watch the video and just posted hate down below.

Another instance of 9 year old bros defending pewdiepie without watching the video is a video (found here) about a scandal about Felix’s search history containing a link to a teen porn site. In the video, the man defends Felix about it, saying that as long as they are 18, they are still teenagers but can partake in pornography. The comments are filled with shit like “Maybe he just likes watching it, asshole”, assuming the video maker bashes on Felix in the video without getting past the title.

So basically anything that has a title that sounds like it would be against Pewdiepie.

In 2008 I made a video clip about "In the Year 2525", a classic song from Zager and Evans. You just can't imagine the amounts of stupidity that has been gathered all those years in the comment section! You know, comments like "technology is evil", "everything is shit so I don't bother", "God will kill us all", "death to the unbelievers", and of course personal attacks. Oh, and miserably failed attempts of trolling.

This is the video if you're interested:

Last edited 10 years ago

Baron O Beefdip wrote:

The Goku vs Superman Death Battle, hands down. That shitstorm started over a year ago and it's still going on today.

That isn't even close to the Rainbow Dash vs. Starscream Death Battle. SPOILER ALERT: Dashie won and people got pissed.

Also, @ASH AGE 10 – Um… wow. That was, uh… something.

Last edited 10 years ago

Any video related to LGBT people. Specifically the T. Usually there are twice as many cruel comments in a video about trans people than in one about gay people.


It's pretty much at or near the level of assholes as Ash posted for the autism video.

CinemaSins has bad comments. People think that CinemaSins are attacking their favorite film(s) by taking the video too seriously.

There was a video I saw yesterday about a gay guy who came out and got attacked for it. One of the comments said, "Not even animals mate with their own gender!"

u wot

I remember seeing a video of a chainsaw pitted against a katana.

We all know what is going happen. The katana derailed the chain on the chainsaw.
As typical we got people who worship chainsaw calligraphy getting angry over a video.

I find two kind of videos where I find the worst Youtube coomets (although almost every video of Youtube has horrible comments)

One its all the videos ralted to new Sonic games. If they're not the common "Sonic hasn't had a good game in 15 years" they are "True Sonic players" who always find a way to bash any game, like they want the games to fail! Or even already mark the game as "bad" even when the game hasn't even out. I remember once when the first info of Lost World came out I read a comment that said "A game with such a tittle can't be good" I mean COMMON!

Other one that now Im seeing a lot are in the AngryJoe videos, especially ones that are not reviews. Seriusly, the guy is always uploading something and poeple bash him because is not a review.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Any video related to LGBT people. Specifically the T. Usually there are twice as many cruel comments in a video about trans people than in one about gay people.


It's pretty much at or near the level of assholes as Ash posted for the autism video.

Okay, the worst thing was someone saying that gays should get jail time. I cant even think of a reaction to that.

On the contrary, this is one of the best comments: I agree exactly. I except people if they're lesbian, gay, straight, transgender, cross dresser. I think people should be able to be and do what they want as long as nobody is getting harmed.

In the comments section of a video about the proper use of the word literally, there was a massive grammar flame war going on. Now I'm no stranger to flame wars, but in this particular one, there was this idiotic 12 year old that thought he was trolling everyone hard but no one was taking his bait, and he kept acting like he was successful. It was pretty sad to watch.

In a different comments section, there was once a guy that wouldn't stop going on about how people with autism are genetically inferior and he kept at it for months. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for months on end this guy continuously posted his extremely vitriolic eugenic-sounding drivel and responded to every person that questioned his argument without fail, and he wouldn't give up for any reason. I swear it must have been a professional team of expert trolls taking shifts to pull off an elaborate YouTube heist or something.

Madden/NFL Videos – The comments are often a flame war between Americans and Europeans arguing about what the real football is.

NISLT has one of the best and worst youtube comments sections on Youtube. It has comments unrelated to the videos, it's full of attention whores, and both annoying and funny spammers.
Then of course you have your typical and pointless pony flame war that pops out of fucking nowhere. Some of the responses make me crack up, but others make me groan.

Warning: Long story without any TL;DRs ahead.

There was this one gore animation called "Spongebob makes a Krabby Patty", and in the comments section, there was this guy who had the balls to criticize it for it's "Bad animation, reptitive gore, and that fact that it's a rip off of Cupcakes MLP" and gave the video a 0/10. That was only the beggining. The maker of the video got involved by saying his biased shit to prove his opinion wrong, such as "The majority of people who saw this video gave it a like. More like an 8/10 to me." This turned in to your typical YouTube fight, and the author of the comment was the target. Eventually, other people got involved like this one person named "Girly Girl" who started to call the author of the comment a "30-year-old virgin", some guy who looks like a douche just by looking at his profile pic(in my opinion, OH WAIT. THOSE ARE ILLEGAL. Don't tell the cops pls.) and even a fuckin' SONICFAG. Of course, I was retarded enough to go in and say "Opinions are not allowed on YouTube.". This eventually lead me to think that the guy who commented at the Sonicfag was talking about me(My profile pic is Sanic Hegehog.), and I fought back with insults that made me sound no better than the guys I was fighting. In return I was called an "autisic fuck" or whatever. It all started over an opinion. It may also not be the most cringiest or the worst, but it's a really fuckin' bad comment section. Also, the creator of the video said he was inspired by a scene from OneyNG's Spongebob animation, which didn't feel over-exaggerated compared to "Spongebob makes a Krabby Patty".


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