Hi there!
A friend and I are working on a web-based application called Get Some Internet.
The reason I am posting this here is because we launched it not long ago and we would like to know what people think of the application.
The address is getsomeinternet.com
The idea is pretty simple. When you go on the website, you get one random post (image, meme, gif, video, music, stream etc) from many different sources (youtube, reddit, twitch, soundclound, 9gag, etc).
Each time you click on "Get Some Internet", you get another random post.
There is a leveling system, you unlock more sources (Vine, soundclound, twitch etc) as you level up.
You can also filter the content you are getting (let's say you do not want videos, you can click on the menu, filter and then filter the videos out).
There's still a lot of stuff we want to add and work on, but I think it is essential that we have some feedback first :)