Keanu Reeves. Smash Ultimate. Sicko Mode playing in the first half of the Super Halftime Bowl for a couple minutes before switching to Sweet Victory throughout the entire video. NyanNyanCosplay, Ricardo, some famous Tik Tok thots I forgot the name to. Memorable memes that will live on and popular trends. Avengers. Bowsette and the Super Crown trend. A memorial near the end of the video letting us remember people that passed away (Stan Lee, Steven Hillenburg, and Etika to name a few). More popular YouTube channels like Mr. Beast and even PewDiePie, and even the more recognizable ones. Bringing back the animators while including new ones like SMG4 and DanPlan. Not be too preachy about the sponsors. Playing at least two popular songs from 2019. Treat YouTube Rewind as a celebration of the internet life like it always had and not ad revenue. If they like, they could burn pictures of last year's YouTube Rewind and treat it like the garbage it always was. End with a charity shout-out to end the video (suicide, world hunger, forest fires, cancer, pollution like in Lil Nicky's Earth). These are just my thoughts for this year's YouTube Rewind. What do you guys think?
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