❤X Loves Sexting!❤
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❤X Loves Sexting!❤ refers to a series of YTPMVs, that started in 2012 by YouTube user JazyKuun.
The original video was uploaded to YouTube on February 15, 2012 by the creator. The video shows the "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" main character Rainbow Dash.
The background music is called Sexting produced by the american Electro, House and Screamo Band BOTDF (Blood On The Dance Floor), that was released in 2009 as a single and then released in their album "Epic" in October 5th, 2010.
A day later, screen1you made a fad response using the same style as the character's movement from the original video with another character named "Tyler" from Garry's Mod.
(The video is gone now since the creator moved on from YTPMV)
In the same day, YTPMVer AleatoireMixes made a YTPMV fad response using anoher main character from "My Little Pony" named Pinkie Pie.
Notable Examples
After then, users made fad responses to the popular original first fad response videos.
Recent Videos 18 total
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