A Very Difficult Decision (一个非常艰难的决定)

"A Very Difficult Decision" (Chinese: 一个非常艰难的决定; Pinyin: Yī Gè Fēi Cháng Jiān Nán de Jué Dìng) is a catchphrase among Chinese netizens parodying QQ's message to its users in the feud between Tencent QQ and 360 Safeguard.
Background Information
Tencent QQ:

QQ is the most popular instant messenger service in China. According to Alexa, QQ.com ranks as the tenth most popular website as of November 4, 2010.
360 Safeguard:

360 is one of the most popular antivirus programs in China.
Rising Tension…

Tencent Holdings Ltd (owner of QQ) and Qihoo (owner of 360) are two of China's biggest software companies. In September, tension between the two companies started rising when Tencent released "QQ Doctor," a program with abilities similar to that of 360 Safeguard. QQ Doctor was bundled with Tencent QQ and gained 40% of the market share overnight.
On September 27, 2010- 360 Safeguard software sent messages to its users that accused QQ of scanning the private documents of people with QQ installed.
QQ response (translated by CNET Asia):
"QQ Product Team's official statement: Recently, one company newly-launched privacy protector, claimed QQ as spying on users' private files. We hereby state that Tencent always values privacy protection, and never infringes on users' privacy. We urge users to keep a clear mind to distinguish wrong from right, and not to fall for one company's security scare trap."
QQ also responded with a fabricated report by stating Qihoo was under investigation for advertisements involving pornography.
Qihoo continued their argument by saying QQ scans the documents of computer users based on "black list." Then they created a method l of getting rid of QQ advertisements, QQ Xiu, and QQ members’ “Koukou Bodyguard.”
Quoted Response from Qihoo (translated by CNET Asia)
360 was Victim of Revenge Enacted by Tencent for How We Protect User Privacy: Since 360's privacy protector exposed QQ's suspicious spying on user privacy, 360 has been the victim of revenge enacted by Tencent in the form of network popups. Latest evidence shows that QQ--with a disguised "super blacklist"--has been scanning users' hard drives as a way to make huge profits.Tencent's thirst for profit is not limited to this. According to media exposure, Tencent CEO Ma Huateng (马化腾) is worth nearly 30 billion yuan, yet he still claims state housing allowances.
QQ sued Qihoo on the basis of unfair competition.
360 or Tencent?

On November 3, 2010, QQ released a warning to all of its users.
Uninstall 360, or Tencent will not allow QQ to run for you.
Translated by chinaSMACK:
Dear QQ User:
When you see this letter, we have just made an exceptionally difficult decision. Until 360 stops its infringements and malicious defamation against QQ, we have decided to stop the operation of QQ software on computers installed with 360 software. We know deeply this will cause an definite inconvenience for you, and we sincerely apologize to you. At the same time, we have written below the reasons for this decision, and hope we can have your understanding and support.
1. To protect your QQ account’s security
Recently, 360 has forcefully promoted and even coerced users to install the illegal hack “Koukou Bodyguard”. This software hijacked QQ’s security module, causing QQ to lose related functions. In a 360 software operating environment, We are unable to guarantee your QQ account’s security.
2. Saying “no” to immoral behavior
360 time and time again has manufactured “QQ infringes upon users’ privacy” hearsay/rumors, engaging in malicious slander of QQ’s security features. The truth is that QQ’s security module absolutely does not engage in scanning or monitoring users’ private data, much less uploading/transmitting users’ data. At present, we have already provided our QQ security module’s code to a third party for review, to prove our innocence.
Worse, as an internet security company, 360 actually has released hacking software, openly standing on the opposite side of “security”, engaging in the hijacking and control of other companies’ software. This is all immoral behavior.
3. Resisting illegal behavior
Any business behavior, no matter for what purpose, must all be carried out within the framework of the country’s legal regulations. However, 360 actually uses something illegal like a “hack” to undermine Tencent’s normal service.
360 has already hijacked and undermined QQ on the desktops of users’ computers. We could have chosen to use technological methods to fight them, but after repeated consideration, we ultimately decided that we cannot let your computer desktop become a “battleground”, and have instead given you the right to choose your software.
Over the past 12 years, QQ has been fortunate to have grown with you; As for the future, we look forward to continuing to be part of your life!
Tencent Co.
2010 November 3
Millions of netizens were helplessly caught in between in the struggle between QQ and 360, being forced to choose one or the other. As a result, Tencent was seen as overaggressive, unfair, and immature.
Online Polls
Early online polls revealed that the majority of netizens supported Qihoo in their cause.
Tianya (Which will you uninstall first?)

MOP (Who do you support?)

NetEase (Which will you uninstall?)

A Very Difficult Decision

Arising from this giant mess was the phrase, "一个非常艰难的决定," used to ridicule Tencent's original message to its users. The phrase is used in an over dramatic, falsely apologetic way- leading to much parody.
The Format:
Dear _____, When you see this letter, we have just made a very difficult decision, if ________, we will [or "we decided to"] ___________. We apologize sincerely to you.
Examples (and their translations):
凤姐: 我刚刚作出了一个非常艰难的决定。
Xifeng: I have just made a very difficult decision. Until Tencent and 360 stop the war, I will go to the QQ headquarters streaking; QQ staff is recommended to take preventive measures as soon as possible or leave QQ.
Nokia has just made a very difficult decision, if detected within the range of 10 meters iPhone, it will begin the process of blowing up and destroy all the objects within 10 meters.
Microsoft: Dear Chinese Windows users, when you see this letter, we have just made a very very very very difficult decision, until you stop using 360 and QQ, we decided that we will suspend our service to all of China.
可口可乐 做出了一个非常艰难的决定,如果检测到用户胃里有百事可乐,将自动释放敌敌畏和鹤顶红
Coca-cola has made a very difficult decision; if it detects Pepsi in the users stomach, it will release Dichlorvos and kill you.
KFC: We have just a very difficult decision. If McDonald's assault and malicious slander does not stop, we will to have a McDonald's bombed out of the cityfor KFC outlets. Kentucky had the honor to accompany you as you grew; in the the days ahead, we expect to continue to walk with you!
Mercedes-Benz made a very difficult decision, if the user uses a BMW, the Mercedes-Benz brake system will automatically fail.
Adidas has just made a very difficult decision, upon detection of a Nike, clothing, shoes, auto-change to Toushi Zhuang. [popular Chinese female model]
Head & Shoulders has just made a very difficult decision, if applied on your hair after the shampoo finds traces of Hercules, it will automatically increase your hair loss.
End of the World forums have just made a difficult decision, if we detect that your are a friend of MOP forums, your ID will be banned for one year.
百度: 我们刚刚作出了一个非常非常非常非常艰难的决定。如果我们检测到您之前访问过谷歌,您的百度账号将被自动屏蔽。
Baidu: We have just made a very difficult decision. If Baidu detects that you visit Google, your Baidu ID will be blocked.
康师傅: 我们刚刚作出了一个非常非常非常非常艰难的决定。如果我们监测检测到您之前食用过其它品牌的方便面,您购买的方便面内将不配调料。
Master Kong: We have just made a very difficult decision. If we detect you eating another type of instant noodle, our products will be sold to you without any flavouring.
RenRen cites Twitter as the major hub in which the catchphrase was popularized. Since most users started supporting Qihoo and rejected the Tencent QQ chat system, there was also a lot of spread over Google Talk and Windows Live Messenger as well.
- Epic thread on MOP (6800+ replies) (Nov 3, 2010)
- End of the World forums (Nov 3, 2010) (340+ replies)
- On dzh2.mop.com (Nov 4, 2010)
Google Insights for Search
Other Forms of Parody
Chinese netizens also created their own comics depicting the fight between QQ and 360 (represented by their respective logos).

And also using moe anthropomorphism.

QQ tencent vs 360 腾讯大战360之歌 .flv
Tencent released a statement about how this situation could be resolved.
(Translated by ChinaSMACK)
We call for 460 to make a clean break with its past, and commit to giving users an environment to use QQ and other legal software safely/securely and without interference.To obtain comprehensive security for QQ users, Tencent requires 360 to do the following three things before Tencent will stop its self-protective measures:
1. 360 must uninstall on all of its software clients Koukou Bodyguard and the malicious Tencent-slandering Privacy Protector;
2. 360 must immediately stop intercepting/interfering with Tencent and other legal software programs/processes, and publicly commit to no longer interfering with Tencent programs, publicly commit to no longer release any software that attacks Tencent products, and publicly commit to no longer misappropriate any QQ user’s information;
3. 360 publicly apologizes to Tencent, and compensates for its losses.
To say the least, it was not received positively.
Kingsoft, Baidu, Keniu and Maxthon also accused 360 of unfair business practices. Their softwares weren't going to be incompatible with 360.
Current Status
Tencent and Qihoo seem to have finally settled their dispute, and are resuming compatibility.
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