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Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Seth Peck • Updated about a year ago by Trick Lobo
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Category: Meme Status: Deadpool Year: 2012 Region:

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Origin unsure, possibly related to the anti-Mitt Romney film released by the Newt Gingrich campaign. People are starting to use the word "Bain" as a verb, such as "Don't Bain me, Bro!" or "Romney getting Swift-bained" ( Much in the same context of "Don't ban me, bro!", this neologism appears to refer to having your company bought out by a venture capitalist group (such as Mitt Romney's Bain Capital) and then being downsized so that the new owners can reap the profits of lower payroll expenses.

If this is a true meme, it is notable as it may influence discourse over the year leading up to the presidential elections in November 2012.

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