Bring on 21 June
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[Work in progress]
On 22 February Of 2021, Boris Johnson announced the earliest date we could drop all social distancing measures and launch ourselves headlong into The Greatest Summer Of All Time. There are a lot of ifs. There are numerous buts. The Jenga tower of assessment dates and tests could topple with the slightest nudge. But for the first time we've got a solid date on which life could return, and it's just in time for England v Czech Republic at Wembley.
Some have pointed out that Johnson also reckoned last March that we'd be out of this within 12 weeks, that we'd not need a November lockdown, and that cancelling Christmas would be "inhuman". But really, can one man be that badly wrong four times in a row? It gets statistically less likely every time he's wrong! That's just maths.
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