Stanley Tucci's manager: "You should have stopped at how to make the perfect Negroni, Stan".
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
tag yourself i’m stanley tucci looking away from the camera to read the script
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
My face when I take responsibility.
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
I kept fast forwarding to try and find the part where the rich, beautiful white people say what they’re gonna do about racism and SURPRISE it never arrives
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
we also have ???? with the distressed spoken word white guy beanie here giving his all
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
I lost it when Aaron Paul went full Jessie Pinkman at the end lmao
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
nothing is funnier than aaron paul in this clip going full walter killing his girlfriend voice at the end of this
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
Y'all may say that what Aaron Paul did in that video was performative wokeness, but y'all forget that he himself is a victim of police brutality.
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
who is this
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
Aaron Paul Not Singing About Racism (2020)
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
When my wife catches me jerking off to Gremlins porn I drew
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video
i love how a few of them went full Actor here
Celebrity "I Take Responsibility" Video