Claire Danes Cry Face Project
Claire Danes Cry Face Project is a Pinterest pinboard featuring screen captures of the actress Claire Danes[5] crying in various films.
In January of 2012, Pinterest user and Brooklyn-based writer Jessica Hulett[4] created The Claire Danes Cry Face Project[1] pinboard. The first pin featured a screen capture of actress Claire Danes crying as she appears in the Showtime television drama series Homeland, which was originally posted on the single topic blog The Cry Face[3] on December 15th, 2011 (shown below).

On April 15th, 2010, a single topic blog titled "The Cry Face: Too Funny to Take Seriously" was created on Tumblr,[11] which featured photographs and screen captures of various actors crying. On October 12th, 2011, two screen captured images of Claire Danes were posted on the blog (shown below),[12] receiving over 260 notes within the next year.

The corresponding "Claire Danes Cry Face Project" Tumblr blog[2] was launched on October 5th, 2012. The first post was a reblogged photo of Danes playing Angela Chase in the 1990s teen drama series My So-Called Life. In the following week, images from the Tumblr blog and Hulett's pinboard were highlighted on Slacktory[6], Buzzfeed[7], The Huffington Post,[8] The New Yorker[15] and The Daily Dot.[10] On October 31st, the entertainment blog Vulture[18] published a post titled “Dress Up As Claire Danes’ Cry Face for Halloween,” which featured a printable face mask of Claire Danes crying (shown below).

Notable Examples

On October 17th, Slacktory[9] published a post titled "The Claire Danes Cry Face: A Slacktory Supercut," which featured an original supercut montage of Claire Danes crying in ten different films (shown below). On the following day, the video was highlighted by the women's interest blog Jezebel,[14] Vulture[16] and the pop culture blog Grantland.[17]
Saturday Night Live
On November 10th, the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live aired a parody of the television drama series Homeland, in which the actress Anne Hathaway mocked the emotional instability of Danes' character Carrie Matheson (shown below). On November 12th, the tech news blog Web Pro News[13] published an article about the skit titled "Anne Hathaway Takes on Claire Danes' Cry Face."
Search Interest
External References
[1] Pinterest – The Claire Danes Cry Face Project
[2] Tumblr – The Claire Danes Cry Face Project
[3] Tumblr – The Cry Face
[4] Twitter – @blindcavefish
[5] Wikipedia – Claire Danes
[6] Slacktory – Help Support the Claire Danes Cry Face Project
[7] Buzzfeed – The Best Of "The Claire Danes Cry Face Project"
fn8, The Huffington Post – Claire Danes Cry-Face-Off: Vote!
[9] Slacktory – The Claire Danes cry face
[10] Daily Dot – Help Support The Claire Danes Cry Faces Project
[11] Tumblr – The Cry Face
[12] Tumblr – Claire Danes chin acting since 1994
[13] Web Pro News – Anne Hathaway Takes on Claire Danes Cry Face
[14] Jezebel – Heres That Claire Danes Cryface Supercut You Wanted
[15] The New Yorker – Generation Cryface
[16] Vulture – The Claire Danes Cry Face Supercut
[17] Grantland – The Claire Danes Cry Face Supercut