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#CocaColaHatesWhitePeople is a hashtag backlash campaign against Coca-Cola after a screenshot from a presentation on confronting racism allegedly given to Coca-Cola employees circulated on Twitter. The leaked slides from the presentation talked about challenging racism, saying "to be less white" means "be less arrogant," "be less oppressive" and "listen," among other actions, and included a slide that said, "Try to be less white." After the images spread, people expressed their anger and intent to boycott Coca-Cola with the hashtag.


On February 19th, 2021, Twitter[1] user @DrKarlynB tweeted slides from a presentation on confronting racism allegedly given to Coca-Cola employees. She wrote, "BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to 'try to be less white.' These images are from an internal whistleblower" (shown below). Her tweet gained over 18,000 retweets, 10,000 quote tweets, and 34,000 likes.

Karlyn supports banning critical race theory in NH @DrKarlynB ... BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to "try to be less white." These images are from an internal whistleblower: Q Search for skills sutjects or software My Ling r skills, subjects or software Home My Learning Me v EN Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo A 4206 Understanding what it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist To be less white is to: &s 381 active Confronting Racism - be less oppressive -be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble - listen - believe -break with apathy - break with white solidarity Understanding What it Means to Be White, Challenging What it Means to Be Racist ロ D O 6 KD 001/1102 1x O O 40 O Overview 向 QA O Notebook E Transcript INSTRUCTOR RELATED TO THIS COURSE tadinlebe Give feedback Home My Learning Me v fronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo m, with Robin DiAngelo ロ4,28 at you can do at it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist 28 38 In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white. Try to be less white Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white. O O K D 6:15 / 9:56 1x EC O G ORA In Notehnok = Transcript 9:42 AM · Feb 19, 2021 · Twitter Web App

The slides appear to be from a presentation titled "Confronting Racism: Understanding What It Means To Be White, Challenging What It Means To Be Racist," given by White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo. The presentation was later taken off LinkedIn. The slides include statements like "In the U.S. and other Westernized nations, white people are socialized to feel they are inherently superior because they are white" and "Try to be less white." Another slide says "To be less white is to: Be less arrogant, be less defensive, listen, break with white solidarity" and others (shown below).

a for skills, subjects or software ca-Co Home My Learning Me v EN V To be less white is to: - be less oppressive be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble - listen - believe - break with apathy - break with white solidarity Cinked in lentng Overview 向 Q&A N Notebook = Transcript
or skills, subjects or software Peca-Co Home My Learning Mẹ v EN V afronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo at you can do 口 4,28. 28 381 Try to be less white 1x CC K D 6:15 / 9:56 10 Play 回 Q&A Notebook = Transcript Overview

Blaze reporter Chris Pandolfo[2] tweeted a statement allegedly from Coca-Cola saying the presentation was part of their "Our Better Together global learning curriculum."

Seriously, how was this article up for the whole day and nobody uploaded the official statement? That's like, controversy article 101


As @DrKarlynB's tweet spread, Twitter users voiced their backlash to the slides and created the hashtag "#CocaColaHatesWhitePeople"[3] to express their outrage at the presentation and intent to boycott Coca-Cola. (examples[6][7] shown below)

Kim ... @Kimln661 I will never purchase A SINGLE THING from @CocaCola again. This is so flat out racist, and yes, you can be racist against white people. This is b-------. #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople Karlyn supports banning critical race theory in NH @DrKarlynB · Feb 19 BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to "try to be less white." These images are from an internal whistleblower: Show this thread Q Search for skills ubjects or software My ng or skills, subjects or software Home My Learning Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo Understanding what it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist A 4206 A To be less white is to: & 381 active Confronting Racism - be less oppressive - be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble listen believe - break with apathy break with white solidarity Understanding What it Means to Be White, Challenging What it Means to Be Racist D O 6 K 001 / 11:02 1x O O 40 O Overview O QBA D Notebook E Transcript ta lete INSTRUCTOR RELATED TO THIS COURSE Give feedback Home My Learning Me v fronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo A 4,28 m, with Robin DiAngelo at it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist you can do In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized Try to be less white
PRZeus ... @PRZeus Unless you're white... #cocacolaisracist #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople #boycottcocacola Coca-Cola Соса-Сola Follow ФСосаСola Everyone welcome. mpose/tweet

Amidst various calls to boycott Coke, user @TheOnlyJDN posted a video of himself pouring Coke into a toilet, gaining over 60 retweets and 160 likes (shown below).

The tweet was also widely mocked, as it reminded people of similar incidents in which outraged conservatives destroyed products, such as they did during the Keurig Boycott. User @UweBollocks[4] joked, "Notice he didn't record the flush. I can only conclude it's because he put it all back in the bottle afterwards" (shown below, left). User @BronzeHammer[5] joked, "Let's see. TP roll installed underhand, awkward placement. Towels right above toilet (shit particles), mismatched rugs, gold purse (??) on tank, shower curtain whipping around everywhere, no quarter round on the baseboard. sloppy work all around. not a bathroom for patriots" (shown below, right).

Agent 47.5 @UweBollocks ... Notice he didn't record the flush. I can only conclude it's because he put it all back in the bottle afterwards. American Perspective @TheOnlyJDN · Feb 21 #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople so it's now our new toilet cleaner. Coke free house. 0:03 39.7K views 10:45 AM · Feb 23, 2021 · Twitter for Android
John Hamburger ... @BronzeHammer Let's see. TP roll installed underhand, awkward placement. Towels right above toilet (s--- particles), mismatched rugs, gold purse (??) on tank, shower curtain whipping around everywhere, no quarter round on the baseboard. sloppy work all around. not a bathroom for patriots American Perspective @TheOnlyJDN · Feb 21 #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople so it's now our new toilet cleaner. Coke free house.

DiAngelo Response

On February 23rd, DrKarlynB tweeted a response from a spokesperson for Robin DiAngelo saying the course used in the Coke presentation was crafted without her consent and she had no knowledge of it being used in that way.

19:51 Good afternoon. Thank you for reaching out. Dr. DiAngelo is unable to speak with you for this interview due to her schedule, but I would like to clarify that the online training from Linkedin Learning that was circulating was not a course by Dr. DiAngelo, but a series of interview clips that had been edited together without her knowledge and presented as a training. She had no involvement in it being presented or marketed as a course, did not approve its distribution, did not know it was being used in corporate settings, and because of that, it has been removed from the site and discontinued voluntarily by the groups that created and distributed it. Many thanks,

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External References

[1] Twitter – DrKarlynB

[2] Twitter – ChrisCPandolfo

[3] Twitter – #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople

[4] Twitter – @UweBollocks

[5] Twitter – @BronzeHammer

[6] Twitter – KimIn661

[7] Twitter – PRZeus

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coca cola logo 'try to be less white'


Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 11:06PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Feb 23, 2021 at 10:58AM EST by Adam.

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#CocaColaHatesWhitePeople is a hashtag backlash campaign against Coca-Cola after a screenshot from a presentation on confronting racism allegedly given to Coca-Cola employees circulated on Twitter. The leaked slides from the presentation talked about challenging racism, saying "to be less white" means "be less arrogant," "be less oppressive" and "listen," among other actions, and included a slide that said, "Try to be less white." After the images spread, people expressed their anger and intent to boycott Coca-Cola with the hashtag.


On February 19th, 2021, Twitter[1] user @DrKarlynB tweeted slides from a presentation on confronting racism allegedly given to Coca-Cola employees. She wrote, "BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to 'try to be less white.' These images are from an internal whistleblower" (shown below). Her tweet gained over 18,000 retweets, 10,000 quote tweets, and 34,000 likes.

Karlyn supports banning critical race theory in NH @DrKarlynB ... BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to "try to be less white." These images are from an internal whistleblower: Q Search for skills sutjects or software My Ling r skills, subjects or software Home My Learning Me v EN Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo A 4206 Understanding what it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist To be less white is to: &s 381 active Confronting Racism - be less oppressive -be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble - listen - believe -break with apathy - break with white solidarity Understanding What it Means to Be White, Challenging What it Means to Be Racist ロ D O 6 KD 001/1102 1x O O 40 O Overview 向 QA O Notebook E Transcript INSTRUCTOR RELATED TO THIS COURSE tadinlebe Give feedback Home My Learning Me v fronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo m, with Robin DiAngelo ロ4,28 at you can do at it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist 28 38 In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white. Try to be less white Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white. O O K D 6:15 / 9:56 1x EC O G ORA In Notehnok = Transcript 9:42 AM · Feb 19, 2021 · Twitter Web App

The slides appear to be from a presentation titled "Confronting Racism: Understanding What It Means To Be White, Challenging What It Means To Be Racist," given by White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo. The presentation was later taken off LinkedIn. The slides include statements like "In the U.S. and other Westernized nations, white people are socialized to feel they are inherently superior because they are white" and "Try to be less white." Another slide says "To be less white is to: Be less arrogant, be less defensive, listen, break with white solidarity" and others (shown below).

a for skills, subjects or software ca-Co Home My Learning Me v EN V To be less white is to: - be less oppressive be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble - listen - believe - break with apathy - break with white solidarity Cinked in lentng Overview 向 Q&A N Notebook = Transcript or skills, subjects or software Peca-Co Home My Learning Mẹ v EN V afronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo at you can do 口 4,28. 28 381 Try to be less white 1x CC K D 6:15 / 9:56 10 Play 回 Q&A Notebook = Transcript Overview

Blaze reporter Chris Pandolfo[2] tweeted a statement allegedly from Coca-Cola saying the presentation was part of their "Our Better Together global learning curriculum."

Seriously, how was this article up for the whole day and nobody uploaded the official statement? That's like, controversy article 101


As @DrKarlynB's tweet spread, Twitter users voiced their backlash to the slides and created the hashtag "#CocaColaHatesWhitePeople"[3] to express their outrage at the presentation and intent to boycott Coca-Cola. (examples[6][7] shown below)

Kim ... @Kimln661 I will never purchase A SINGLE THING from @CocaCola again. This is so flat out racist, and yes, you can be racist against white people. This is b-------. #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople Karlyn supports banning critical race theory in NH @DrKarlynB · Feb 19 BREAKING: Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to "try to be less white." These images are from an internal whistleblower: Show this thread Q Search for skills ubjects or software My ng or skills, subjects or software Home My Learning Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo Understanding what it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist A 4206 A To be less white is to: & 381 active Confronting Racism - be less oppressive - be less arrogant - be less certain - be less defensive - be less ignorant - be more humble listen believe - break with apathy break with white solidarity Understanding What it Means to Be White, Challenging What it Means to Be Racist D O 6 K 001 / 11:02 1x O O 40 O Overview O QBA D Notebook E Transcript ta lete INSTRUCTOR RELATED TO THIS COURSE Give feedback Home My Learning Me v fronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo A 4,28 m, with Robin DiAngelo at it means to be white, challenging what it means to be racist you can do In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized Try to be less white PRZeus ... @PRZeus Unless you're white... #cocacolaisracist #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople #boycottcocacola Coca-Cola Соса-Сola Follow ФСосаСola Everyone welcome. mpose/tweet

Amidst various calls to boycott Coke, user @TheOnlyJDN posted a video of himself pouring Coke into a toilet, gaining over 60 retweets and 160 likes (shown below).

The tweet was also widely mocked, as it reminded people of similar incidents in which outraged conservatives destroyed products, such as they did during the Keurig Boycott. User @UweBollocks[4] joked, "Notice he didn't record the flush. I can only conclude it's because he put it all back in the bottle afterwards" (shown below, left). User @BronzeHammer[5] joked, "Let's see. TP roll installed underhand, awkward placement. Towels right above toilet (shit particles), mismatched rugs, gold purse (??) on tank, shower curtain whipping around everywhere, no quarter round on the baseboard. sloppy work all around. not a bathroom for patriots" (shown below, right).

Agent 47.5 @UweBollocks ... Notice he didn't record the flush. I can only conclude it's because he put it all back in the bottle afterwards. American Perspective @TheOnlyJDN · Feb 21 #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople so it's now our new toilet cleaner. Coke free house. 0:03 39.7K views 10:45 AM · Feb 23, 2021 · Twitter for Android John Hamburger ... @BronzeHammer Let's see. TP roll installed underhand, awkward placement. Towels right above toilet (s--- particles), mismatched rugs, gold purse (??) on tank, shower curtain whipping around everywhere, no quarter round on the baseboard. sloppy work all around. not a bathroom for patriots American Perspective @TheOnlyJDN · Feb 21 #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople so it's now our new toilet cleaner. Coke free house.

DiAngelo Response

On February 23rd, DrKarlynB tweeted a response from a spokesperson for Robin DiAngelo saying the course used in the Coke presentation was crafted without her consent and she had no knowledge of it being used in that way.

19:51 Good afternoon. Thank you for reaching out. Dr. DiAngelo is unable to speak with you for this interview due to her schedule, but I would like to clarify that the online training from Linkedin Learning that was circulating was not a course by Dr. DiAngelo, but a series of interview clips that had been edited together without her knowledge and presented as a training. She had no involvement in it being presented or marketed as a course, did not approve its distribution, did not know it was being used in corporate settings, and because of that, it has been removed from the site and discontinued voluntarily by the groups that created and distributed it. Many thanks,

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – DrKarlynB

[2] Twitter – ChrisCPandolfo

[3] Twitter – #CocaColaHatesWhitePeople

[4] Twitter – @UweBollocks

[5] Twitter – @BronzeHammer

[6] Twitter – KimIn661

[7] Twitter – PRZeus

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Look. Being less prejudiced is good. You should always try to acknowledge the shared humanity of your fellow man and treat them with respect, regardless of ethnic background.
But this, and some other "anti-racist" publications, treat merely being white like it's a bad thing (saying 'whiteness' is somehow inherently oppressive while 'blackness' is something to be celebrated). Yes, Western nations are predominantly white and most racism in them thus tends to be from white people against other groups, but they aren't the only group of people capable of being racist nor are they inherently more prejudiced than other groups of people, given a worldwide view of things.
Being not racist means treating all people equally, not trying to disempower and stigmatize whites under the mistaken belief that that is somehow the key to stopping racism.


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