Confused Mr. Krabs - Trending Images
When the optometrist says "1 or 2?"

Confused Mr. Krabs
When the jews found out it really wasn't a shower

Confused Mr. Krabs
Confused Yellow Pearl

Confused Mr. Krabs
When you're in line for Finding Dory and a kid asks "Aren't you too old for this?"

Confused Mr. Krabs
How I met your meme hell

Confused Mr. Krabs
When the humans ask you if you kept collateral damage to a minimum

Confused Mr. Krabs

Confused Mr. Krabs
when there's a test nobody studied for

Confused Mr. Krabs
But all these items might be useful to me later

Confused Mr. Krabs

Confused Mr. Krabs
Bigger than SpongeBob

Confused Mr. Krabs

Confused Mr. Krabs
When you can't find your hairbrush

Confused Mr. Krabs
Flies and wasps are the worst offenders

Confused Mr. Krabs
illegal bootleg memes

Confused Mr. Krabs
When you're home alone and you hear the front door unlock

Confused Mr. Krabs
Take one for the team

Confused Mr. Krabs

Confused Mr. Krabs
Change things up

Confused Mr. Krabs
When you try to hop on the latest meme but remember you're 75 years old

Confused Mr. Krabs