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On 24th of November, 2021, Amazon Game Studios (AGS), creators of the MMORPG, New World, managed to somehow give every player on their 203 EU servers 200k-500k gold each. New World has been an MMO plagued with bugs, exploits, dupes of all manners without any effort on the players' part. The game itself has basically been one gigantic bug and exploit and new ones kept getting added each patch, making it worse as more updates rolled in.
The very same day a forum moderator congratulated the OP of a sarcastic thread hinting toward the sheer incompetence by thanking the devs for the free gold in a polite manner, with the actual problem at that time most likely being unbeknownst to the moderator in question.
This has given birth to a new internet meme, "Congratulations :partyhat:" or on any kind of existing meme, including the use of Spongebob, Jeff Bezos himself, as well as the congratulations segment (video snippet) from Neon Genesis Evangelion (anime).