Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky - Images
Fortnite GIF caption

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Honestly, he can say as many slurs as he wants. He's got about 72 hours before his heart explodes in his chest so, have as much fun as you want Dave

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Dave blunts the only nigga I heard publicly say Faggot in ages.

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Fortnite GIF

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Gleps iPad

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
This looks like he was thrown out of an airplane for being homophobic

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
This the type of shit you see on the break room TV in smiling friends

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Your dreams have meaning

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Bro I watched this shit with no audio I almost started dying

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Falling out of the sky GIF

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky
Falling out of the sky sped-up GIF

Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky