Diamond - The Hardest Metal - Images
If 9000 is metal this hard... what could 9001 be?

Diamond - The Hardest Metal
About as durable as a diamond those old Nokia bricks were

Diamond - The Hardest Metal
It's filled with the hardest metal known to man... DRAGONFORCE!

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal
Diamond - The Hardest Metal
Diamond - The Hardest Metal
Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal

Diamond - The Hardest Metal
![From: pimpin201 | Posted: 6/11/2005 5:41:42 AM I Message Detail yea i suk wit the Mclaren F1 i alwayz turn and spin and hit a building and i get p-----.so for now im rollin in my gallardo or however u spell it [Coke+Pepsi-Coksi] Are you thirsty?Are you dying for a coke or pepsi ?From the makers of Coke and Pepsi comes Coksi.Grab a Coksi know! From: Six ES I Posted: 6/11/2005 5:42:55 AM I Message Detail Let's say you take a Hummer H1 Alpha and a McLaren F1 and drive both of them into a wall doing 55. The McLaren F1 would impact, the H1 Alpha would knock the damn wall over It's called "duribility differences," I've got sex appeal because I dual wield Gamertag Six El Sid From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/11/2005 6:05:18 PM I Message Detail The McLaren Doesn't Have Much Durability Because It's Too Fast Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL I Posted 6/11/2005 9:17:57 PM I Message Detail Actually, it doesn't have much durability because it's made out of lightweight parts Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech_Yiper| Posted: 6/12/2005 3:19:46 AM I Message Detail That's True But Remember, The Faster Your Car Is, The less Durability. It May Not Be By Much Though Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL| Posted 6/12/2005 5:38:45 AM I Message Detail Not really. A car made out of diamond (does not exist, and I'm not saying it ever will) with a max speed of 400 mph will have more durability than a Hummer Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/13/2005 4:00:24 AM | Message Detail I See What U're Saying. I Said It Wrong Any Way. It's Not The Faster Your Car Is, It's The Faster U Go, The Less Durability. And Know This, If U Have A Diamond Car That Hits 400 And U Hit A Wall Going That Fast, Chances Are The Car Is Gonna Shatter (Or At Least The Front End) Seriously Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL Posted 6/13/2005 8:23:58 PM I Message Detail No, Diamond won't shatter if it hits a wall. The wall will break Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTIM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/13/2005 11:02:13 PM I Message Detail Even If It Hits A Wall At 400 MPH? That's Crazy I'm a Have To Do That Some Day Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableL | Posted 6/13/2005 11:05:37 PM I Message Detail Yes, a car made of diamond would go right through a wall at 400 mph. Unless, of course, the wall is made of diamond Diamond is one of the hardest metals (If not THE hardest metal) known the man Definitely much harder than anything walls are made out of these days Michael Jackson: Free! Celebration time!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/036/191/1146987213907xw5.jpg)
![From: pimpin201 | Posted: 6/11/2005 5:41:42 AM I Message Detail yea i suk wit the Mclaren F1 i alwayz turn and spin and hit a building and i get p-----.so for now im rollin in my gallardo or however u spell it [Coke+Pepsi-Coksi] Are you thirsty?Are you dying for a coke or pepsi ?From the makers of Coke and Pepsi comes Coksi.Grab a Coksi know! From: Six ES I Posted: 6/11/2005 5:42:55 AM I Message Detail Let's say you take a Hummer H1 Alpha and a McLaren F1 and drive both of them into a wall doing 55. The McLaren F1 would impact, the H1 Alpha would knock the damn wall over It's called "duribility differences," I've got sex appeal because I dual wield Gamertag Six El Sid From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/11/2005 6:05:18 PM I Message Detail The McLaren Doesn't Have Much Durability Because It's Too Fast Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL I Posted 6/11/2005 9:17:57 PM I Message Detail Actually, it doesn't have much durability because it's made out of lightweight parts Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech_Yiper| Posted: 6/12/2005 3:19:46 AM I Message Detail That's True But Remember, The Faster Your Car Is, The less Durability. It May Not Be By Much Though Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL| Posted 6/12/2005 5:38:45 AM I Message Detail Not really. A car made out of diamond (does not exist, and I'm not saying it ever will) with a max speed of 400 mph will have more durability than a Hummer Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/13/2005 4:00:24 AM | Message Detail I See What U're Saying. I Said It Wrong Any Way. It's Not The Faster Your Car Is, It's The Faster U Go, The Less Durability. And Know This, If U Have A Diamond Car That Hits 400 And U Hit A Wall Going That Fast, Chances Are The Car Is Gonna Shatter (Or At Least The Front End) Seriously Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableZL Posted 6/13/2005 8:23:58 PM I Message Detail No, Diamond won't shatter if it hits a wall. The wall will break Xbox Live Gamertag: SouthPoleTIM One Thousand Karma! Yes! From: Startech Viper | Posted: 6/13/2005 11:02:13 PM I Message Detail Even If It Hits A Wall At 400 MPH? That's Crazy I'm a Have To Do That Some Day Yo, U Think U Know More About Vipers Than Me, U Let Me Know And We'll Go Head 2 Head From: CableL | Posted 6/13/2005 11:05:37 PM I Message Detail Yes, a car made of diamond would go right through a wall at 400 mph. Unless, of course, the wall is made of diamond Diamond is one of the hardest metals (If not THE hardest metal) known the man Definitely much harder than anything walls are made out of these days Michael Jackson: Free! Celebration time!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/036/191/1146987213907xw5.jpg)
Diamond - The Hardest Metal