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The Capital Gazette Shooting refers to a mass shooting that took place at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland in late June 2018. During the attack, five people were killed and two people were seriously injured.


On June 29th, 2018, police responded to reports of a shooting at the Capital Gazette Communications building in western Annapolis. In the attack, five people were killed, including columnist and editorial page editor Gerald Fischman, assistant editor Rob Hiaasen, community beat reporter Wendi Winters, sports reporter John McNamara and sales assistant Rebecca Smith.


Shooter's Identity

The following day, authorities announced that the suspect in custody was Jarrod Warren Ramos, a man in his late 30s who was carrying a backpack loaded with smoke bombs, flashbangs and grenades. According to court records, Ramos was charged with five counts of first-degree murder.

Ramos had sued the newspaper in 2012 for defamation over a 2011 article about him pleading guilty for criminal harassment. The case was dismissed in 2015. [3]

President Donald Trump's Reaction

Following reports of the shooting, Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, saying that his "thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families" (shown below).[5]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.

Online Reaction

Milo Yiannopoulos

That day, USA Today reported that Milo Yiannopoulos "recently told at least two news outlets that he wanted vigilantes to start shooting journalists" in private text messages correspondences with journalists from the New York Observer and The Daily Beast.

Meanwhile, Yiannopoulos published a post on Instagram[2] addressing the issue, claiming that the text messages were "a troll" sent as a "private response." Additionally, he blamed the media outlets for "drumming up fake hysteria" about the messages and argued, "If the Left was truly horrified by violence against journalists, they would have shown it in the aftermath of Charlie Hebdo."

Marco Rubio Tweet

That day, Capital Gazette report Selene San Felice was interviewed on CNN, during which she expressed that she would "need more" than just "thoughts and prayers" (shown below).

"I'm going to need more than a couple days of news coverage and some thoughts and prayers, because it's our whole lives have been shattered. And so thanks for your prayers, but I couldn't give a fuck about them if there's nothing else."

On June 29th, Marco Rubio posted a tweet complaining about the use of the "F word" in news reporting, which many interpreted was a reaction to the CNN interview (shown below).[1]

Marco Rubio @marcorubio Sign of our times... the F word is now routinely used in news stories, tweets etc It's not even F*** anymore. Who made that decision???

The Capital Front Page

On June 29th, The Capital put out a paper with the front page headline "5 shot dead at The Capital" (shown below). Over the next 24 hours, a tweet of the front page received more than 19,700 likes and 11,9000 retweets.

The Capital FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 A Capital-Gazette Newspaper -Annapolis, MD 5 shot dead at The Capital Police respond Thursday afternoon to a mass shooting at The Capital that left flve cead A gunman shot through a glass door to the office and opened fire. Laurel man, the suspected gunman, in custody BY CHASE CoOK, PHIL DAVIS, SELENE nt sources The saspect trgeted The Capital and South. the attack, according to law enforcensenst the Lafe section of The Capital. alout a mnute ater the inckdent began and community news editor, was the editor of The history of The Capitat Page A3 Inside RACHAEL PACELIA, DANIELLE OLused smole grenades and a shotgun daring His feature column appeared Sundays in ■ More details on the shooting, GILLESPIE, DAVID BROUGHTON AND cias Police arrived on the scene in MeNamara, 56, a spoetswriter tunedPage A2 Bon HoUGH dsd not exchange gunfire with the shooter, the Rowie Blade News and the Crofon WestProfties of the victims, Pages A4- Coanty Ganette, He has worked in vaous Online Five employees of The Capital Gazette The Capitals office is in a muki-story capacities for Capital Gazette for more than Namara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Win busineses Police sasd more than 100 Smith, 34, a sales assistant, worked in the gunman entered the newspaper's offices Fischman, 6l, wrote The Copitalseditor Winters 65, covered various subjects as a Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John Mc building on Bestate Road with other 20 years ters were lilled Thursday when a people were evacuated als, edited the editorial page and handled community news and thecol- Journalists The Capita,found them- We ae heartbrokenm, devastated. Our other editing duties ummist for Home of the Week Teem of the selves reporting on the and friends aregone,№ matter Hiasen. SR was a native of Fort Week, and Around Broadneck columns- Thurday as events Phil Davis how deep our loss is mothing compared to Laaderdale and agraduate ofthe Universty and more. She had a background in pablic The Capitais police reporter, was inside the the grief our friends families are feeling of Florida He was hired as the assistant relations, having worbed for two New York building when the City agencies, and had owned her ow Gunman shot t editor of TheCaial in 20m the glass door to Jarrod W.Raenos 38, ofL.aurel who had Previously, he was a staff reporter for The boutique agency in the Big Apple. Before the office and against the news Baltimore Sun for 15 years He was aso a her move to Annapolis, Winters began employees Davis tweeted after he was sta庇reporter for The Palm Bnach Art m WTtng fur AP Features, Copley Newsanda paper, is being held as 큐 suspect in the deadly shooting, acconding to law enforce Florida and was a newsanchor and reporter Manhattan weekly safe.Tan't say much more and don't want to declare anyone dead, but it's bad Bria"-ㄧ-9 DNthNetaes-A8 Aures 9 | The two leaders Mostly sunny. A7f eapstanpasetokolowter


Meanwhile, a GoFundMe[4] page titled "Help Capital Gazette Journalists" was created, which gathered upwards of $129,000 of its $150,000 goal in less than 20 hours.

gofundme Help Capital Gazette Journalists $129,108 of $150,000 goal Raised by 2,537 people in 20 hours
Mike Huckabee Tweet

That same day, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee posted a tweet saluting the Capital Gazette staff for putting out a paper the following day, including two nearly identical photographs of himself (shown below).

Gov. Mike Huckabee @GovMikeHuckabee A big salute to the staff of the Gazette, who despite being traumatized and losing staffers to death and injury, vowed that the next day's edition would come out, and they worked at home and got it

Shortly after, other Twitter users mocked the photograph and tweet format (shown below).

WillMenaker @willmenaker A big salute to the staff of The Challenger, who despite blowing up as they exited the atmosphere, made sure all the launch data was recorded by NASA
Sammy Sosa looks like s---

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Capital Gazette Shooting

Capital Gazette Shooting

Updated Jul 01, 2018 at 04:52AM EDT by Y F.

Added Jun 29, 2018 at 11:26AM EDT by Don Caldwell.

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The Capital Gazette Shooting refers to a mass shooting that took place at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland in late June 2018. During the attack, five people were killed and two people were seriously injured.


On June 29th, 2018, police responded to reports of a shooting at the Capital Gazette Communications building in western Annapolis. In the attack, five people were killed, including columnist and editorial page editor Gerald Fischman, assistant editor Rob Hiaasen, community beat reporter Wendi Winters, sports reporter John McNamara and sales assistant Rebecca Smith.


Shooter's Identity

The following day, authorities announced that the suspect in custody was Jarrod Warren Ramos, a man in his late 30s who was carrying a backpack loaded with smoke bombs, flashbangs and grenades. According to court records, Ramos was charged with five counts of first-degree murder.

Ramos had sued the newspaper in 2012 for defamation over a 2011 article about him pleading guilty for criminal harassment. The case was dismissed in 2015. [3]

President Donald Trump's Reaction

Following reports of the shooting, Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, saying that his "thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families" (shown below).[5]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.

Online Reaction

Milo Yiannopoulos

That day, USA Today reported that Milo Yiannopoulos "recently told at least two news outlets that he wanted vigilantes to start shooting journalists" in private text messages correspondences with journalists from the New York Observer and The Daily Beast.

Meanwhile, Yiannopoulos published a post on Instagram[2] addressing the issue, claiming that the text messages were "a troll" sent as a "private response." Additionally, he blamed the media outlets for "drumming up fake hysteria" about the messages and argued, "If the Left was truly horrified by violence against journalists, they would have shown it in the aftermath of Charlie Hebdo."

Marco Rubio Tweet

That day, Capital Gazette report Selene San Felice was interviewed on CNN, during which she expressed that she would "need more" than just "thoughts and prayers" (shown below).

"I'm going to need more than a couple days of news coverage and some thoughts and prayers, because it's our whole lives have been shattered. And so thanks for your prayers, but I couldn't give a fuck about them if there's nothing else."

On June 29th, Marco Rubio posted a tweet complaining about the use of the "F word" in news reporting, which many interpreted was a reaction to the CNN interview (shown below).[1]

Marco Rubio @marcorubio Sign of our times... the F word is now routinely used in news stories, tweets etc It's not even F*** anymore. Who made that decision???

The Capital Front Page

On June 29th, The Capital put out a paper with the front page headline "5 shot dead at The Capital" (shown below). Over the next 24 hours, a tweet of the front page received more than 19,700 likes and 11,9000 retweets.

The Capital FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 A Capital-Gazette Newspaper -Annapolis, MD 5 shot dead at The Capital Police respond Thursday afternoon to a mass shooting at The Capital that left flve cead A gunman shot through a glass door to the office and opened fire. Laurel man, the suspected gunman, in custody BY CHASE CoOK, PHIL DAVIS, SELENE nt sources The saspect trgeted The Capital and South. the attack, according to law enforcensenst the Lafe section of The Capital. alout a mnute ater the inckdent began and community news editor, was the editor of The history of The Capitat Page A3 Inside RACHAEL PACELIA, DANIELLE OLused smole grenades and a shotgun daring His feature column appeared Sundays in ■ More details on the shooting, GILLESPIE, DAVID BROUGHTON AND cias Police arrived on the scene in MeNamara, 56, a spoetswriter tunedPage A2 Bon HoUGH dsd not exchange gunfire with the shooter, the Rowie Blade News and the Crofon WestProfties of the victims, Pages A4- Coanty Ganette, He has worked in vaous Online Five employees of The Capital Gazette The Capitals office is in a muki-story capacities for Capital Gazette for more than Namara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Win busineses Police sasd more than 100 Smith, 34, a sales assistant, worked in the gunman entered the newspaper's offices Fischman, 6l, wrote The Copitalseditor Winters 65, covered various subjects as a Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John Mc building on Bestate Road with other 20 years ters were lilled Thursday when a people were evacuated als, edited the editorial page and handled community news and thecol- Journalists The Capita,found them- We ae heartbrokenm, devastated. Our other editing duties ummist for Home of the Week Teem of the selves reporting on the and friends aregone,№ matter Hiasen. SR was a native of Fort Week, and Around Broadneck columns- Thurday as events Phil Davis how deep our loss is mothing compared to Laaderdale and agraduate ofthe Universty and more. She had a background in pablic The Capitais police reporter, was inside the the grief our friends families are feeling of Florida He was hired as the assistant relations, having worbed for two New York building when the City agencies, and had owned her ow Gunman shot t editor of TheCaial in 20m the glass door to Jarrod W.Raenos 38, ofL.aurel who had Previously, he was a staff reporter for The boutique agency in the Big Apple. Before the office and against the news Baltimore Sun for 15 years He was aso a her move to Annapolis, Winters began employees Davis tweeted after he was sta庇reporter for The Palm Bnach Art m WTtng fur AP Features, Copley Newsanda paper, is being held as 큐 suspect in the deadly shooting, acconding to law enforce Florida and was a newsanchor and reporter Manhattan weekly safe.Tan't say much more and don't want to declare anyone dead, but it's bad Bria"-ㄧ-9 DNthNetaes-A8 Aures 9 | The two leaders Mostly sunny. A7f eapstanpasetokolowter


Meanwhile, a GoFundMe[4] page titled "Help Capital Gazette Journalists" was created, which gathered upwards of $129,000 of its $150,000 goal in less than 20 hours.

gofundme Help Capital Gazette Journalists $129,108 of $150,000 goal Raised by 2,537 people in 20 hours

Mike Huckabee Tweet

That same day, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee posted a tweet saluting the Capital Gazette staff for putting out a paper the following day, including two nearly identical photographs of himself (shown below).

Gov. Mike Huckabee @GovMikeHuckabee A big salute to the staff of the Gazette, who despite being traumatized and losing staffers to death and injury, vowed that the next day's edition would come out, and they worked at home and got it

Shortly after, other Twitter users mocked the photograph and tweet format (shown below).

WillMenaker @willmenaker A big salute to the staff of The Challenger, who despite blowing up as they exited the atmosphere, made sure all the launch data was recorded by NASA Sammy Sosa looks like s---

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