Kanye’s candidacy is a joke, but I’ll take Chance’s question seriously.
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Never endorsed you bro
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Ok sprinting down the hill now: I understand the improbability of Ye winning the 46th Presidential seat and I understand that everyone voting for Bide...
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
That Chance tweet is an example of a larger problem, which is viewing the presidency as a vessel for your hopes and dreams rather than as a job that r...
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
So Chance the Rapper thinks we should vote for Kanye because Ye’s mom listenend to KRS-1 and he knows him?
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Things that happened after Chance The Rapper said “I met Kanye West, I’m never going to fail”: • Got married. • The Big Day. • Said J. Cole was cor...
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Chance the Rapper's tweets
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
government's secret
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Forbes truck
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
it's all ye
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
don't tread on ye
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
campaign slogan
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
national anthem
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
the choice is obvious
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
declared it
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
winning elections
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Wait ... It's All Kanye
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
Take Him Back!
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
The New Hype House
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign
I Love It
Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign