Operation ISIS / #OpISIS - Images
Reports of #Daeshbags targeting Anons due to ISIS memes!

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
I Hope Senpai (Allah) Notices Me

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Happy ISIS Trolling Day

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
The Squad

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Real Housewives of Daesh

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Ducks, Ducks Everywhere

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
ISIS Jihadist Flag Parody

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Very Very Dangerous Men

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Jihadi Vogue

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
ISIS Air Force

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Topsy Analytics: #ISISTrollingDay & #TrollISIS & #Daeshbags

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
Anonymous Announcement

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
@OpParis on November 17th

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS
List of Targets & Tango-Downs

Operation ISIS / #OpISIS