Super Bowl LIV - Images
halftime show

Super Bowl LIV
Shakira Gazelle sketch from FtK

Super Bowl LIV
It do be like that

Super Bowl LIV
A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one.

Super Bowl LIV
Shikira be like... 👁👅👁

Super Bowl LIV
I felt like I was watching bad porn

Super Bowl LIV
Who doesn't like superbowl commercials

Super Bowl LIV
Boomer meme

Super Bowl LIV
My death was greatly exaggerated.

Super Bowl LIV
Mr clean, Mr peanut, and Kool-Aid Man

Super Bowl LIV
Look at those strong women son

Super Bowl LIV
Prepare yourselves

Super Bowl LIV
Am I right?

Super Bowl LIV
More tongues and butts pls

Super Bowl LIV
It’s like... they know we exist

Super Bowl LIV
As if halftime couldn’t get worse

Super Bowl LIV