This is a labour of love 😔💕

This is a labour of love 😔💕
in denial #pinocchio

in denial #pinocchio
Pinocchio is a h0m0 and you cant tell me otherwise

Pinocchio is a h0m0 and you cant tell me otherwise
i don’t apologize

i don’t apologize
We been knew Pinocchio a little💅

We been knew Pinocchio a little💅
pinocchio !! more like pinot, glee, and being a hoe!!!

pinocchio !! more like pinot, glee, and being a hoe!!!
they yassified him

they yassified him
Stan Twitter: Fruity Pinocchio

Stan Twitter: Fruity Pinocchio
"Father when can I leave to be on my ooOwwn?" Green Screen

"Father when can I leave to be on my ooOwwn?" Green Screen
FathER, WheN Can I LEaVe to Be oN My OwN? I'vE Got The WhOLe wORLD to SEe!

FathER, WheN Can I LEaVe to Be oN My OwN? I'vE Got The WhOLe wORLD to SEe!
Father When Can I Leave To Be On My Own Pinocchio Voice Meme TikTok Compilation