Feeling Cute Challenge
Part of a series on Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later. [View Related Entries]
Feeling Cute Challenge, also known as #FeelingCuteChallenge and #FeltCuteChallenge, are social media posts featuring photographs paired with variations of the phrasal template "feeling cute, might X later," inspired by the meme Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later.
On January 22nd, 2017, Twitter user @PapaCone_[1] tweeted an illustration of the Spongebob Squarepants character Squidward taking a selfie with the caption "might delete soon but I felt cute in this pic 😋😘🙊💖" (shown below). The image spawned numerous parody variations using the caption "Feeling cute, might delete later" paired with other humorous images.

On March 30th, Facebook[6] user Courtney Muse posted a photograph of a UPS employee with the caption "Feeling cute, Might deliver your package later, IDK," along with the hashtag "#FeelingCuteChallenge" (shown below). Within three weeks, the post gained over 107,000 shares and 14,000 comments on the platform.

On April 10th, 2019, Instagram user @lilduval[2] posted a Snapchat photo of a Columbus Water Works employee with the caption "Feeling cute. Might cut your water off later…idk" (shown below). Within one week, the post gathered more than 92,700 likes. According to the Ledger-Enquirer,[3] a spokesperson for the water company said the image was originally posted by the employee to Facebook, but it has since been deleted.

On April 13th, the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page posted a Snapchat photo of a woman breastfeeding with the caption "Feeling cute. Might post this later to offend someone…idk" along with the hashtag "#FeelingCuteChallenge" (shown below, left). On April 14th, Instagram user @moistbuddha[4] posted a photograph of Tiger Woods with the caption "Felt cute might pop a xanny and pass out in my car later idk" (shown below, right) Within 48 hours, the post gathered upwards of 54,200 likes. On April 17th, Memebase[10] highlighted several notable examples of the meme.

Correctional Officer Life Facebook Controversy
On April 14th, the police accountability website AmericasPoliceProblem[7] published a post about controversial #FeelingCuteChallenge posts submitted to the Facebook group Correctional Officer Life.[5] On April 16th, the Houston Chronicle[8] reported that a spokesperson for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice announced several correctional officers were "under investigation for on and off-duty conduct violations" in relation to the #FeelingCuteChallenge, which included the posting of an image with the caption "Feeling cute, might just gas some inmates today, IDK." The following day, Reason[9] published an article about the controversial posts titled "Prison Guards Are ‘#FeelingCute’ About Threatening To Assault Inmates for No Reason." On April 17th, Ebaum's World[11] published an article about the controversy titled "The Feeling Cute Challenge Just Got Dark."

Various Examples

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External References
[3] Ledger-Enquirer – A Columbus water employee did the Feeling Cute Challenge
[4] Instagram – moistbuddha (page deleted)
[5] Facebook – Correctional Officer Life
[6] Facebook – Courtney Muse
[7] AmericasPoliceProblem – Police across America take Feeling Cute Challenge to New Dangerous Level
[8] Houston Chronicle – Texas prisons investigating after #feelingcute challenge
[9] Reason – Prison Guards Are #FeelingCute About Threatening To Assault Inmates for No Reason
[10] Memebase – The Whole Damn Internet Is Feeling Cute And We've Got Memes to Prove It
[11] Ebaum's World – The Feeling Cute Challenge Just Got Dark
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