Fredryk Phox
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Matthew Gafford, also known as Fredryk Phox, was born September 16th, 1983 in Birmingham, Alabama and raised in various states dotting the southeastern portion of the USA. He gained popularity on his Livejournal and interest in his videos peaked when Eric Bauman on Ebaumsworld posted a compilation of his clips. Since his initial rise to fame, he has been involved in creating additional animated videos, music videos, and is rumored to be involved in the "furry" community.
According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, from 1999 to 2004, Fredryk Phox released a series of videos using his LiveJournal prior to the advent of YouTube and other flash-video sites. He quickly became a celebrity on the internet due to the popularity of the videos posted on ebaumsworld and AlbinoBlackSheep. He performs random skits and uses a variety of editing techniques unheard of at the time. This is also combined with immature and vulgar off-the-wall humor, puppets behaving badly (leading to the furry accusations), and other ridiculous antics. Fredryk Phox has also been involved in the creation of several animated videos, and an animated movie which has not yet been released. Since the dawn of Youtube and other self-promoting video sites, Fredryk has created dozens of videos and animated shorts, and many of the methods used in Fredryk's videos have since been copied by other notable Youtube celebrities. Because of this, Fredryk can be considered one of the most influential internet celebrities.
In 2009, Fansitter created an article about Fredryk, making him one of the daily celebrities to be featured.
Update March 2012: Matthew is now in a band called Ørbit Perturber (https://www.facebook.com/orbitperturber), and is currently residing in the Chicago area (as of January 2012). The band's gigs are filmed, and are posted on Youtube on Matthew's personal page, found at https://www.youtube.com/user/FredrykPhox?feature=watch. His personal Facebook page states that he works as a bail bondsman, and lives in North Aurora, Illinois.
Early Videos (2000 – 2006)
Fredryk Phox 250,000+ views
Funny Faces Almost 2 million views
Fun in the basement 150,000 views
The Albino Black Sheep video 42,000 views
Fight 79,770 views
8mm of goodness 23,700 views
Animated Videos
Drug War (Leak)
Scene from Star Fox: The Animated Series
Fredryk Phox – Another Brick in the Wall
Popularity and Spread
Note: Popularity search only goes back to 2004, several years after his initial peak
Additional Information
War on Eric Bauman (Ebaum's World)
According to Albinoblacksheep In 2004, Fredryk Phox created The Albino Blacksheep Video simply to get back at Eric Bauman for treating him like a monkey. Eric had refused to accept footage from Fredryk Phox that had other URLs or credits in it, and insisted Fredryk make numourous edits to his work, essentially dumbing it down and giving no props to those who work with Fredryk. In an AOL chat conversation, Fredryk expressed his concerns and asked for his previous footage to be removed from Eric Bauman's servers. This request went unfulfilled, and Eric insists that Albino Blacksheep is jealous of his riches, but has yet to come to the realization that people prefer credits of the original artists in videos rather than watermarks of those who pirate videos posted in every frame.
Accusations of being a furry
The Urban Dictionary defines him as "Physically very beautiful, fucking talented, fucking odd, fucking funny. Makes flash animations and video clips. Difficult to describe or to do real justice to here. Is a furry (a fox)". The furry claims were apparently verified by Kamunou Hyena, who states that Fredryk attends Furry conventions and has intentions getting to Anthrocon. In other reports, it is said that Fredryk is merely mocking the furry community, and finds it amusing to make people believe he is in fact a furry himself.
Current Projects
Initial plans of creating a drug war movie had come to a halt after a complete hard-drive failure erased much of what had already been created. A small portion of the video has apparently been remade, and has since been leaked online. Although Fredryk has been under the radar since his celebrity status of the 1999-2004 days, he is currently involved in the creation of the Star Fox animated series.
Fredryk Phox Hater
Fredryk Phox Copycat
Fredryk Phox is…
Fredryk Phox In Da Club
Fredryk Phox: EBaum's dad witnesses a murder
Fredryk Phox Invokes the Flames of Hell
fredryk phox works it
Fredryk Phox: EBaum's dad does meth!
Fredryk Phox: EBaum's dad takes a bath!
With the fires of hell I invoke thee!
Fredryk Phox is Nedly Mandigo's son!
Fredryk Phox: EBaum's dad wants to talk!
Fredryk Phox – Nyehhhh!
Getem Wet
I'm Fredryk Phox's BEST FRIEND