Go Fun | Know Your Meme
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Go Fun

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Joshweiser • Updated about a year ago by RandomMan
Added by Joshweiser • Updated about a year ago by RandomMan

Go Fun
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2016 Origin: Discord App Region:
Tags: gravity, falls, bill, cipher, hunt, discord, go, fun,
Go Fun


Go Fun is a basic meme in which the user makes the word "Go Fun" appear on a common image, simply by adding a poorly drawn "Go" or "Fun" in front of the other, already existing word. For example, on the logo of "Pokemon Go," one might draw in the word "Fun" at the end to make it say "Pokemon Go Fun." The word that's drawn in is usually copy pasted poorly, in Comic Sans MS, or drawn poorly in MS Paint.


Go Fun is a meme that began on the Discord App on July 20th, 2016. Taking place during the ARG Cipher Hunt for Gravity Falls, many of the show's fans got together on this app to try and find the statue of one of the characters from the show, Bill Cipher. As the voice chat feature was being used in this Discord App to try and find the statue, one of the users accidentally said "Go Fun."


From the point it was created, users using the Discord app made fun of the user who had accidentally said "Go Fun" and tried making as many references to it as possible. This produced a wide variety of meme parodies such as "Pokemon Go Fun," "Gotta Go Fun," and "CS:GO Fun" with both the phrases "Go Fun Yourself" and "Go Home or Go Fun" being thrown around very often. The hashtag has also been used on twitter to grab the attention of Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls.

Alex Hirsch Response Parody Images

After the widespread usage of the meme, users in the Discord group created fake Alex Hirsch responses about his presumed disapproval with the Go Fun meme. The fake responses were either entirely made up, or edits of a pre-existing Alex Hirsch tweet. Here are some notable examples:

Notable Images

Search Interest

Tags: gravity, falls, bill, cipher, hunt, discord, go, fun,

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