High Impact Sexual Violence

High Impact Sexual Violence is an image macro series featuring close-up avatars of various anime, cartoon and video game characters and the caption "high impact sexual violence," which is derived from one of the most restrictive ratings that can be assigned to films, video games and publications by the Australian Classification Board, a statutory media censorship and classification agency overseen by the government.
The earliest online usage of the phrase can be found in a review for the movie A Serbian Film on The Sydney Morning Herald in which the review states "the censored version is still ''at the upper limit of the R18+ category'' for its ''high-impact sexual violence, sex scenes and violence'', Classifications Australia says."[5] Another early instances of the meme can be found in a thread[1] posted on 4chan's /v/ board on February 22nd, 2014, in which users discussed Australia's classification of the PlayStation Vita version of the 2010 roleplaying video game Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland as having an R-18+ (18 years old and up) rating because of "references to sexual violence", a significant leap from the rating of PG that was given previously to the non-PS Vita version. The thread resulted in the creation of an image captioned "High Impact Violence" (shown below).[2]

The first time the exact phrase "High Impact Sexual Violence" was used on 4chan was on February 26th, 2013, in a second thread discussing Australia's classification of Atelier Totori.[3] On May 27th, 2014, Youtuber CurryButt23[4] uploaded a video containing a mildly risqué animation titled "High Impact Sexual Violence", satirizing the Australian government's labeling of soft sexual content as having "high impact" (shown below).
Notable Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1] 4chan – /v/ Origin Thread
[2] 4chan – /v/ Origin Image
[3] 4chan – /v/ High Impact Sexual Violence
[4] Youtube – CurryButt23
[5] The Sydney Morning Herald – Political parable or perversion?
Top Comments
Particle Mare
Jan 21, 2015 at 06:44AM EST
Jill Moderator
Jan 21, 2015 at 06:16AM EST