If You're Cold, They're Cold - Images
Bring them inside and warm them up
If You're Cold, They're Cold
Bring you're pets inside
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If You're Cold They're Cold. Bring them inside and warm them up
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If you're cold, they're cold
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If you are cold they are cold bring your husbands inside
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If it's too cold for you, it's too cold for your tauntaun.
If You're Cold, They're Cold
Bring Your Pets Inside!
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If it's too cold for you it's too cold for your pet. Bring them inside.
If You're Cold, They're Cold
If You Are Cold, They Are Cold. Bring Pets Inside
If You're Cold, They're Cold