When you don't know what's gonna come through that door and you haven't told anyone in 8 minutes

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Austin why don't you do drugs like a normal teenager?

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
In The Grim Darkness of My Pawnshop

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
The Twin Pawns

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Pawn Star vs the Forces of Evil

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
I called my buddy Tim who's an expert on loss

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
I'm Tonio Trussardi and This Is My Restaurant

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Antonio Stella Bottom Tile approves

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Lolly's Adverbs

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Pokemon Pawn Shop

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Goddammit I spilled my cereal

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
What's gonna come through that door

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Rick Wheeze

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
It's funny because Juan Guzmán dub to Mr. Fryman and Rick Harrison

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop
Omegle Chat

I'm Rick Harrison and This Is My Pawn Shop