I'm Something of a Scientist Myself - Images
I knew someone who used to do this

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When I successfully connect my computer to the wifi

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
I lied! I'm not a scientist.

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When a LEGO set says 4-7 years but you finish it in 3 days

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
"I'm gay"

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When someone accuses you of being a pedophile

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When someone asks what that smell is

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
No u

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When you overhear some normies laughing at a Ugandan Knuckles meme

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When you are playing KSP for the first time

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
"When someone asks if you're something of a scientist yourself" / "Yes"

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
"When someone's talking about chemistry and you remember salt is sodium chloride"

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
"You mom gay"

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
"You know, I fist myself"

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When you overhear some scientists talking about quantum physics

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
When your teacher is talking about Java and you remember Minecraft was made with Java

I'm Something of a Scientist Myself