"I'm a Mexican" "They're coming to rape me"

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
mfw when nick fuentes actually admits to being mexican on camera... destroying his entire movement

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
Album cover

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
Nick when a reporter asks him if he's a white supremacist

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
Officer, Yo Soy Mexican. Me can no be un white supremacist

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
"Hello officers, is that about my crew down at Home Depot? They're totally legal."

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
"But I’m Mexican" Guess who’s getting deported Nick

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage
"I'm not White, I'm Mexican." We know

"Mexican" Nick Fuentes Body Cam Footage