My Momma Said - Images
Can I clock out?

My Momma Said
Cardi B costume

My Momma Said
No doubt, this meme is already annoying

My Momma Said
**Gestures largely at your shopping cart** asks, "all this yours?"

My Momma Said
When your kid has too much pride in their age

My Momma Said
Me: Get out of my room Sibling: I'm not in your room

My Momma Said
My momma said I gotta watch you cuz you on that stuff again

My Momma Said
“My momma said you gotta take me with you or you can’t go.”

My Momma Said
My momma said not to play with you because you have lice

My Momma Said
My momma said you only with her for her Amazon Prime and Netflix account.

My Momma Said
My momma said your daddy in jail not offshore

My Momma Said
“My momma said y’all gotta let me play or else she gonna take the game.

My Momma Said
My momma said y’all hang out on the porch all day cuz y’all lights off.

My Momma Said
my momma said your daddy ain't in college, he in jail

My Momma Said
My momma said I can’t sit down cuz y’all got roaches

My Momma Said
My momma said we got to watch you while you in the house, cause you steal.

My Momma Said