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OhPillowMushrooms is a youtuber that started on May 18th 2017. He makes videos about tamper tantrums from his pillows.
His first video is about a game expo in California. But what his first video in the "Pillow Tamper Tantrum" series is below
fnX. YouTube Pillow Temper Tantrum Fajos and Fud makes a mess in the garage – YouTube

In this video the sound the pillows make is "eeh". And they interrupt him after he says it is a nice day outside. He also based his video on a channel called OhShitakeMushrooms. In OhShitakeMushrooms an actual kid has tamper tantrums. The pillows randomly make noise through out the video and the dad just yells at him saying "clean it up". The main pillow "Fajos" attacks the camera in the video as well. The dad also refers both of his pillows as "Fajoses".

Most of the memes are the things he and the pillows say throughout the pillows such as "this one is just sitting there like. it wasn't me!" , "Eeh eeh eeh mm mmm mm" , "You need to eat more vitamens" , "Pretty nice day put here, pretty nice day" , "Fnaf plushies" , "You got pied in the FACE!" , "Alright, guys this is ohpillowmushrooms" and the list just goes on and on.
Here is another one of his videos. I reccomend you skip through it because it is very long.

fnX. YouTube Pillow temper tantrum fajos eats my lunch – YouTube

If you watched the whole video, you can see that it only talks about Fajos eating his lunch at the beginning and then it becomes a house tour. He says he was going to brag about his fidget spinners and fnaf plushies. He also says he destroyed his mangle plushie because he hates mangle. But of course, the star of this episode has to be "Slitherus". As all he does is flail around with OhPillowMushrooms yelling "CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN!" He then thinks Fajos was planning this after Slitherus did that. At the end of the video he says that you probably wouldn't like it and it was just a dumb random video.

A lot of the comments are just comments from people that hate him or hate him at school. Saying to "Eat your chicken!" or just stating bad things about his channel or saying bad things about the person making the channel, who they seem to know. A lot of comments about how the video is bad is in this one.

fnX. YouTube Pranking fajos pieing her face (GON CRAZY) – YouTube
As you can see there are colors everywhere, wierd music in the background, and he is just shouting throughout the video.

Other Channels
His other channels are MyAwesomePassword, Caillou, and shmoo is dead. MyAwesomePasssword is lego gun reviews of lego guns he make. Caillou is dares. Shmoo is dead is saying how youtuber StevenTutorials isn't a good youtuber because he made fun of his video.

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Oh Pillow Mushrooms

Oh Pillow Mushrooms

Updated Jun 03, 2021 at 06:27AM EDT by Rose Abrams.

Added Dec 08, 2017 at 10:00AM EST by PigPerson.

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

To dispute this DEADPOOL flagging, please provide suggestions for how this entry can be improved, or request editorship to help maintain this entry.

OhPillowMushrooms is a youtuber that started on May 18th 2017. He makes videos about tamper tantrums from his pillows.
His first video is about a game expo in California. But what his first video in the "Pillow Tamper Tantrum" series is below
fnX. YouTube Pillow Temper Tantrum Fajos and Fud makes a mess in the garage – YouTube

In this video the sound the pillows make is "eeh". And they interrupt him after he says it is a nice day outside. He also based his video on a channel called OhShitakeMushrooms. In OhShitakeMushrooms an actual kid has tamper tantrums. The pillows randomly make noise through out the video and the dad just yells at him saying "clean it up". The main pillow "Fajos" attacks the camera in the video as well. The dad also refers both of his pillows as "Fajoses".

Most of the memes are the things he and the pillows say throughout the pillows such as "this one is just sitting there like. it wasn't me!" , "Eeh eeh eeh mm mmm mm" , "You need to eat more vitamens" , "Pretty nice day put here, pretty nice day" , "Fnaf plushies" , "You got pied in the FACE!" , "Alright, guys this is ohpillowmushrooms" and the list just goes on and on.
Here is another one of his videos. I reccomend you skip through it because it is very long.

fnX. YouTube Pillow temper tantrum fajos eats my lunch – YouTube

If you watched the whole video, you can see that it only talks about Fajos eating his lunch at the beginning and then it becomes a house tour. He says he was going to brag about his fidget spinners and fnaf plushies. He also says he destroyed his mangle plushie because he hates mangle. But of course, the star of this episode has to be "Slitherus". As all he does is flail around with OhPillowMushrooms yelling "CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN!" He then thinks Fajos was planning this after Slitherus did that. At the end of the video he says that you probably wouldn't like it and it was just a dumb random video.

A lot of the comments are just comments from people that hate him or hate him at school. Saying to "Eat your chicken!" or just stating bad things about his channel or saying bad things about the person making the channel, who they seem to know. A lot of comments about how the video is bad is in this one.

fnX. YouTube Pranking fajos pieing her face (GON CRAZY) – YouTube
As you can see there are colors everywhere, wierd music in the background, and he is just shouting throughout the video.

Other Channels
His other channels are MyAwesomePassword, Caillou, and shmoo is dead. MyAwesomePasssword is lego gun reviews of lego guns he make. Caillou is dares. Shmoo is dead is saying how youtuber StevenTutorials isn't a good youtuber because he made fun of his video.

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